RE: Did U Know?

If you mail someone, you can see in your sent folder if they have read it or not, but did you know, that if they then delete it, it will also disappear from your sent folder. You will then have no record of ever having written to them and you might be left wondering if they actually received it, if you didn't check the sent folder soon after you sent it.
We were wondering about that, our sent list is huge lol

I just realised, I think it works the other way around as well, If they delete their sent message, it disappears from your inbox too. I just went to look up someone's name and they'd gone!

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RE: Did U Know?

Well Phil you have been a busy man like I said, I just wrote a quote and thought I was done with it, whole system burped and I don;t see it posted, OH well...... but do wish we had the option to EDIT our posts, or at least preview them before sending? Keep up the good work Phil.
hehe, me too! once bitten, twice shy! I now always write on a new message page, spellcheck it, paste it onto notepad to get rid of the code, and then copy and paste it from there to the blog. Then if it burps as you put it, you don't have to write it all out again, and if you save the message, you keep a record in the Drafts folder. But you kick yourself if you forget to paste it onto notepad and get all the code come out on the blog :)

And thanks for all the feedback guys, it's nice to know your appreciated :)

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RE: Did U Know?

Your right Phil, i keep forgetting to use Notepad, also a great way to spell check and undo/redo things.

Now is we could only get this to go to the last post that was posted first it sure would save a lot of headackes.

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RE: Did U Know?

Your right Phil, i keep forgetting to use Notepad, also a great way to spell check and undo/redo things. Now is we could only get this to go to the last post that was posted first it sure would save a lot of headackes.
Yep, it sure is a pain, we have asked, so all we can do is wait, in the mean time, all I can think of for the very long ones, is to start a new thread and call it part 2 but that would confuse things cos someone would carry on with the old one. You can scroll down and then jump to the last page, but sometimes it's empty and you have to go back and then click on the next to last. To avoid this, I usually go straight to the next to last, first, if that makes any sense! lol

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RE: Did U Know?

lol phil, I do the same know though for all it's littel quirks, this is a good site. I'm sure TT1 is doing the best he can, we just need to be patient, and maybe help if he needs it.
We have been over this before, help has been offered to TT1 (who ever TT1 is) but nothing has become of it, the forum is getting rather hard to use and a lot do not use it, LAST post should show first rather then have to wrok your way to it, gets rather annoying. Phil is on the ball with most this stuff, but to me their is a lot more to this site than approving people holding paper signs, think one of the mail things is that PROFILES are at least semi filled out, this is a good site and could be a lot better I think.

Sorry Phil for getting off topic, can't wait to see what new trick you got up your sleeve?

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RE: Did U Know?

Sorry Phil for getting off topic, can't wait to see what new trick you got up your sleeve?
hehe, .......check out My Poetry Links :)

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RE: Did U Know?

I think I've just accidentally discovered, that we don't need to paste from Notepad anymore to avoid all the code, hehe,I wonder whenTT did that, hemight have told us :) ......I'll do it again now to see if it works.

EDIT: .........Yep, IT WORKS!!!!!!

2nd EDIT:font face="Arial" size="2".......Now I'm confused, I just tried it in a group and the code DID show up! :(/font

3rd EDIT: ..........Oh I give up!!!!!!

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RE: Did U Know?

If you ignore a Friend request the sender will recieve the message " This user allready has a friend request from you" (or something to that effect). I am not sure how long it lasts but it may help avoid some harrassment.
Oh, thanks for that. ......I started ignoring them until I knew them better, but then you have to keep checking to see if there are any new requests, because the notification is permanently on your profile. So now if they have no profile details and they haven't bothered to write, I just delete them unless I like the profile and we have something to talk about.

If someone accidentally deletes you from their friends list, the "add to friends" button disappears for a while from their profile, so you can't send another request, but I think it's only for a day or two.

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RE: Did U Know?

Your right Phil, i keep forgetting to use Notepad, also a great way to spell check and undo/redo things. Now is we could only get this to go to the last post that was posted first it sure would save a lot of headackes.
Yep, it sure is a pain, we have asked, so all we can do is wait, in the mean time, all I can think of for the very long ones, is to start a new thread and call it part 2 but that would confuse things cos someone would carry on with the old one. You can scroll down and then jump to the last page, but sometimes it's empty and you have to go back and then click on the next to last. To avoid this, I usually go straight to the next to last, first, if that makes any sense! lol

This is really scary Phil. It actually does make sense to me.... LOL


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RE: Did U Know?

If you ignore a Friend request the sender will recieve the message " This user allready has a friend request from you" (or something to that effect). I am not sure how long it lasts but it may help avoid some harrassment.
Sorry have to correct myself. The user recieves that message if they try to send you another request. If you deny the request they recieve no notification unless you respond and they can send you another request after you have denied the first.

Thanks, now I'm confused again.....


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