Olly's Photo Thread
This thread is for our great resident character Ollygrumps. Far from being "Grumps", he is a one-off eccentric, and much valued member of the group.
Olly is going to post his amazingly eccentric array of photos here. Please respond on the thread and give Olly feedback on his photographs.
Wow, Thanks Pamela. This came out of us saying it is a pity that free members can see so few photos in our profiles. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist love to take photos. So I was asked to put them up here where everyone can see all of them. The problem is there are over 700 in my profile so I will have to be selective. I might just slip in one or two that arn't in it too. You are welcome to download my photos and use them as you wish. I will tell you how later. Please comment on them, including telling me when you've had enough. I come onto TN most days and will put some up each day. I'll start with some of the earlyest, tellingyou a bit about them as we go along.
First a little background: I married in the 1970's before the internet, aids and any awarenes of nudity on my part. We slept naked.The four children were braught up seing us naked and all my wife's friends have seen me naked at some time. But the notion of wandering around in the nude, seing naked people or being seen by them was a definate non-starter.
I had been a lifelong collector of nude art and statues and a wood carver.
After my wife died (and the the initial greeving) I made a fresh start to my life.At last I cold become a nudist for real.I joined TN towards the end of 2010, a move that did not surprise any of the children at all. This is the first photo I uploaded, taken on a weekend away.
In November 2010 There was an early snow fall,an ideal photo opportunity. Not wanting to catch cold I donned my hat, scarf and boots. ( I am full of admiration for those who do snow angels)
Then it was Christmas. Idonned a sheet anda pair of agels wings I had made for a shop dummy ans photoshopped myself onto the top of a largechristmas tree for my christmas card. I think the caption was "It's cold up here, merry Christmas"
And then There was my outfit for New Year's Eve.You will see I shaved my body and sprayed it with gold paint for this one.
I got into posting pics in TN, mostly the usual stuff arround the house. Well it was January (2011), too cold for the great outdoors. I also descovered Photoshop for a bit of fun. We had been to Shakepeer's Globe Theatre in London, far too tempting a target.
I rather like this one. Building site workers are obliged to wear the right safety clothing. So this is what the best dressed builder wears.
And here is another. I've drawn and painted at many a life drawing class. The model is nude and studied intently by the artists. Well this one is different.
This one is realbut I find it ammusing.Why wouldis a nudist be ironing? surely clothes, and wahing isn't needed. I like the way the light falls on the subject.
I shall be away for easter week end so here is another group of pics.
Sometimes we get a warm day in January, warm not sunny. Wed 12 Jan 2011 was such a day. Just outside Masham is a Druids Temple - not the real thing but good anyhow. I thought I'd go there for a few pics and then drive home naked. I'd driven naked many a time, mainly in 1992 when I drove each week between Milton Keynes and Harrogate. It was 188 miles each way along the M1 motorway and through the middle of Leeds and Harrogate (the M1 ended in Leeds then). Unlike many men I don't get turned on by driving naked but it does give me a buz. It want untill much later That I realized that coach passengers get a good view of my lower body.
Well I thought I'd make sure I coul not have second thoughts. I donned an old sweatshirt and jeans and took a large pair of scissors. I stopped in some woods on the way to the temple and disposed of my clothing.
In TS there is a composite pic showing all the stages of the scissor work.
Then I went on to the temple, parked in the car park and walked naked the 200 yards (meters) to the temple. There I took the pics.
Those rocks were cold and wet!
Then it was time to drive home.
Remember I had no clothes and nothin to cover myself with. I share my parking area with a neighbour. When I got home, about 5pm, my neighbour was washing his car. I hesitated, he bekkoned me in. I had no choice but to park and get uot of the car. As I did his wife came up to ask me what she should do with thei christmas tree. I told her and went indoors. Nothing was said later.
As I sit at this computor I'm only a few feet from a large bay window with a low cill, as you can see here:
A well used track runs across in front of that gate. It outed me as a nudist to the entire village. One January evening I'd put the lights on as it got dark, very early here in January. But I forgot to draw the curtains. There I was floodlit and I didn't see the young man outside in the dark. He got the full monty as I got up to draw the curtains and rushed off to tell Mum (the village Tannoy) and Dad (pub regular) aparantly I was the talk of the pub that night and the village school the day after. After the ininital intregue nobody mentioned, appart from the odd school teacher or drinking chum jokeing that I dont have to pack much for my holidays.
You may have noticed a little body hair in that pic, compared to the one with the gold paint. Well I'd already stopped shaving my body in mid December - It's all in my blog "Failed Smoothie".
Here is a pic I couldn't resist, we rarely get such good sunsets.
At the end of March 2011 I went walking with my son in law, Jerry. We stayed at an inn next to Ribblehead Viaduct and climbed the Yorkshire three peaks - Pennighent, Wernside and Ingleborough. It was wet, we nearly got blown off Pennighent and cloud covered the top of Ingleborough. But we had a good time. And there was my very favourate beer from a micro brewery in Dent Dale. WhenJerry had gone I back-tracked for some pics where we had walked..
For convenience I took them all near the road so I had to look out for passing cars.
The ones aboveare in Deepdale and the one below is under Dale Head railway Viaduct. A car passed as I stood naked waiting for the camera to go off.
In April 2011 I went for my first nudist holiday. It was alsomy first holiday on my own and my first trip abroad for many years. I had met a lady, Carol,here in TN who had a small naturist guest house in Portugal. I decided to go there. I was full of foreboding as I got on the plane - what was I letting myself in for? I needen't have woried. I recognised her accent as from Birkanhead (across the Mearsy from Liverpool) - pure Cilla Black. Her husband was a cocney rougue. And the welcome was warm and whole-hearted. I was launched into nudism for real in the best possible way. There were few rules (just take atowel & dress for dinner). I was stretched out on the patio when Carol came round the corner and said "caught you".
It was warm and sunny and I had a good book. But I'm not one for just lying around doing nothing. Winter had come to an end so i offered to move the pile of logs away from the front door, and a few other little jobs to break up the day. By evening I was glad of the excelent home cooking and beer, all included in the price.
The guest house was in an unspoilt part of the Algarve, very near the extreme south west corner of Portugal (and Europe), beyond the tourist hot spots. They told me of Zavial beach, easily within walking distance. It has a cafe/bar at one end, the textile beach in the middle and the nude beach at the far end. There it was, beautiful sand set in a cove with cliffs behind and lots of space.
It faces south, onto the Atlantic Ocian. So ther would be quite a swll on most days. The beach was used by surfers, some of whome wandered into the nudeist part. The water was warn but theswell made it difficult to swim. It was fun wading in and being buffeted by the waves. This was on a calm day.
I was destined to go back to that guest house and beach many times.
That year April was warm and sunny in England (unlike this year) and I enjoyed some sun in my garden. It is ideal for nudism, being surrounded by tall trees.
I can't quite remember what brought on this bout of patriotism. If England had been playing someone at football or cricket I would have been wearing the St Georges flag.
My next holiday was coming up, but not yet.What would I do? I had come acreoss some Daring Nudists, here in TNand on a special Dares site, so I thouhgt I'd try a few.
Should I catch the bus into town?
Well I couldn't do that. As you can see I forgot my bus pass. I'll just head for home, crossing the main road.
Then What's this? The phone is rinnging. I'd best see what they want.
It was a wrong number! When I finally got home I realised I'd forgotton my keys. So I had to knock on the door and wait to be let in.
That walk around my village would have been very daring except that I did it very early in the morning when most people were in bed. Only two or three caught me.
It was time to relax in my back gardenbefore my next outing. Remember that special beer from the micro brewery in Dent Dale. I found it in a local supermarket.
My sister called me to say it was high time I visited my brother at his remote croft in Scotland. It is in the far north west of Scotland, on a peninsular just soulth of Ullapool and Loch Broom. He has no mains electric, water or gas and can only be reached by boat. At the end of June the Scottish midges have a healthy appitite. It's amazing where they bite which makes me marvel at those Scotsmen in kilts with nothing undernieth. Anyhow, just to proove that I always sleep naked, here is a pic of me settling down for the night in my tent.
My next trip was in July, to Alicenti in Spain. The guest house in Portugal was definately for naturists but this one was for nudists who have sex as part of their lives. Unfortunately I was the only one staying that week. The host and hostess were very welcoming and naked whenever they could be ( I could see she was not a natural blond). They took me out sight seeing, including a market, handbag shopping (for her) and two very different sides to Benedorm. I had all the comforts including orange and lemon trees in fruit. Oranges are very juicy streight off the tree. Here I am feeling a bit of a lemon.
She also took me on naked walks on a quarry track above the guest house. We walked for hours whilst she took pics of me sat on various rocks. It is liberating to walk naked in the countryside but she was concirned about me being caught. It wasn't till much later that I found it is not illegal to be naked in public in Spain.
When at the guest house I could relax by the pool, reading or admiring the staues before a massage orour naked dinner each night.
When I got back home I couldn't face the washing so I just binned all my clothes. Had I gone too far?
Time to get in the car and drive home.
Oh cricky, what a time to run low on fuel! Well I just had to fill it up.
So I go on to my home town (a City actually). I just needed a breath of air on the way. So I thought I'd rest a while.
I know I'm ancient. Am I one of those charms?
I went on into town and parked the car in the centre. The sign said Pay and Display so I did just that. (Or was it the ticket I should have displayed.)
I had to rush off to the Spar Gardens (the public park) to catch the brass band before it goes.
I can't see them. I'll just have to take a closer look.
No sign of them. I'm too late. I should't have stopped to get fuel.
Thanks. All of thes photos are a selection from my TN profile. You can see them all (over 700) if you are a paying member of TN. So far Ive worked my wayThrough a third of them - the older ones.
Of course those stories about me catching a bus (or not) or driving naked, running low on fueland searching the city park are just a series of Dare photos, taken very early in the morning when most people are asleep. ButI did gat caugt by a few early-birds. I regularly drive naked and have done for many years. Some journeys were nearly 200 miles. They and others took me through town and city centres. I had thought I could only be seen from the waste up. But I later realised that coach passengers and lorry drivers look down onto a good view of my lap. How many times had I been stuck in traffic alongside a coach?
What would be really daring would be to put all my clothes in the recyling and walk home:
I often go for naked hikes but I've never actually done that. I have left all my clothes at home, driven out to a start point and done a long walk. Or I've hidden my clothes under a bush at the start of a walk. There is absolutely no chance to cover up if I meet someone on the way - and I do.
And for a few other Dares: Here I am tending the roses outside the front of my house.
Then there is the letter that absolutely must be posted. We only have one (tiny) post box in the village, in a very prominant position.
Now I'll just go and see how the builders are getting on with my friend's house.
I expected the windows to be in by now. Where is the foreman?
Well with all this messing about I've missed the church service again!