Can nudists have sex?

We here the cry "no sex this is a nudist site" so often. So, are nudists allowed to have sex? I know the world we live in often can't tell the difference between nudity and porn. That is a good reason for making the distinction when out in public. But this is a private site only for nudists. As nudists souldn't we know betterand notmake that confusion?
Are there some here who confuse sex with porn? Surely sex is a part of a nudist's life just as it is part of anybody's life. It is an important part of marriage and the human race would be extict without it. To me porn is something that is paid for."But", I hear you cry, "sex is something which is done in private, why do we have to read about it." So nudist can have sex as long as they don't shout about it.
In the wider world people talk about sex.They may be discussing their personal experiences or problems. It might just be humour, as has been the case from music halls of the 19th century to todays TV. That does not make it porn.
So, can we have sex and can we talk about it?

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

Well.... I do and Im a nudist!

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

We are human. There is a stigma attached to anything different, and nudists are classed as different. If people do get a spark between them and all parties are willing and the attraction is mutual, then why not. Life is for living,but at least do it in private or in a place that offers some protection form "prying eyes!"

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

Yes you are right. But as always this coin has two sides: I would not be dressed like this in another setting. For example at work. I dressed like that for HIM in a place where it was all acceptable.And when you undress.?...When we are naked everyone sees us as we are. Strangers as well as special friends. OK so not many people work naked but in all the other environments - poolside, shopping, laundry, eating, sports etc. - we will present the same view to every one.And it's still good when a special person shows their appreciation.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

"Yes you are right. . For example at work. I dressed like that for HIM in a place where it was all acceptable. "........I can relate to that statement about being different people during the day. At work you do whatever is required of you to make the money to let you do what you want to do when you get away from work. Yes you could relate that to prostitution. We give up part of our life to get money...Sad but that is how most of us get by in life. I am happy that you had a good evening out. You were in control of how events played out. That is also good. Thanks for allowing us to follow along.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

"Question: For what reasons do girls choose between a nice beach bikini, and a micro bikini string thong beachwear? "........The nice beach bikini, they are dressing for their parents. The micro bikini they are dressing to attract a boyfriend.... If you want to catch a nice big fish, you need the proper bait.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

It does'nt matter what the woman where, the subject is can nudist have sex... Obviously the answer is yes, but not in public, clothed people on the beach dont have sex, so why should it be different for nudist. People were what they want, it dont mean they want sex, micro bikini or big belly warmers, its up to them.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

Well I've been on mybeach all my life an have never seen any sexual going on,i just become a nudist an would never expect sex,

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

When I started this discussion I was really asking if nudists could shout, or even talk about sex given the taboos so many nudists place on it. In this group we can talk about it. It's part of our lives just as it's part of anyone's life.
I'm a bit of anexhibitionist to me sex wonderfulbut itis something to be done in private. It may not be just one-on-one and there may be an invited audience but it still isn't in public. It looks like most of you see it that way - naked in public, sex in private. Are there any who want the world to see them making love?

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

being a nudist makes me way more aware of my body.. and others. someone called it sensuality rather than sexuality. i thinki feel sexy being nude and lots of people on here seem to want to chat sexy too but its still a it weird for me. im trying to get used to it eploring myself and the sensual feelings. its fun

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Can nudists have sex?

"2) Do you ever get excited just by the fact that you are naked yourself? When I started going nude with my ex boyfriend I found out my breasts "jump around".....One thing I enjoy is riding a bicycle nude. You get the stimulation of the air moving around your skin. Those fine hairs we all have catch the air movement. The slight temperature changes, it all just gets you in touch with the environment. For a guy, it lets you show off your stuff. Yes, I think nudist are exhibitions.

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  • 12 years ago