Picking blackberries

It CAN be done. And it's a meditative ballet, since you can't just charge in and shove the canes aside with your body.

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RE: Picking blackberries

Picking blackberries in Missouri... wear the least amount of clothing possible! Why? It makes you extra careful, skin doesn't snag like cotton, and most important...ticks can be felt crawling on you, before they imbed on you and chiggars like tight, warm places like elastic banding from socks and underwear, behind the knees and anywhereclothing is tight. Best Insect Repellant that will not have you digging out the little critters is AVON Skin-So-Soft bath oil. One capful in a shallow tub of water, splashed on EVERYWHERE and you can pick berries, lie in the grass, walk through weeds with confidence.

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RE: Picking blackberries

I have done it when I was a kid playing in the woods on grand parents farm. You just have to be aware of the thorns!!

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