Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

dear every one of this group. Finally we could get some time thisSundayand got certified today . Now may i request you all to updateat leastone nude photo with face like us so that we canrecognizeeach other ,like TNcpl, pnudegoa, me..and others please ?

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

Hi! Congratulations to you guys....must say u guys rock.We are yet to reach that stage in our lives that we take such a bold step, not yet prepared or in simple words we don't have guts.But yes we will some day.........have the courage to do so.Cheers!Thanks for quick & true reply lets see what others to say. Don't worry be bold here we know leach other through some reference.

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

Hi dolljack,
About Face Photos in this group. After some long discussion, we decided to put "clothed with face" and "Nude without Face" finally Me and Bufflovers only uploaded face photo. Now you are third.

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

sorry coupleswe are sorry that we wont be uploading any pics with faces either clothed or unclothed. I hope u all understand. me and amisha very comfortbale being nude with couples but not comfortable with pics on net.
have funRonit n Amisha

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

Ok Our dear friends , any more reply ? near abt 50+ hits by reply only 5 to 6. We will wait and watch uptoMondayorTuesdaywe will remove our photo with face. TNcpl , Pnude and others I hope you all are agreed ? Otherwise it may be dangerous isn't it ?

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

hi there all you guys. we dont want to put our face pics up on the net nude, we are fine with covered faces. they is always the risk if someone would copy it and circulate it on porn sites. we have taken pics with other members but have given clear instructions not to upload online with our faces, we are ok with covered faces and other things like covering bike numbers etc as long as our true identity's are not reveled, and never give a copy of the pics to anyone. its safer that way. if a couple is married for 3+ years and you can clearly see that they support each other and are equally interested in nudism and they is nothing like the husband is forcing the wife into it and vice versa, we find them the safest people.
we think it should be optional, if you wish to put up nude face pics or clothed face pics in this group its fine if you dont its also alright. we love that Tncpl, bufflovers, dolljack are putting your face pics up but at the moment we will not.
we wish to see this community grow as of now they are 12 couples same time last yr we couldn't find any couples online with exception of sonachand, tncpl and scorpioncpl. Tncpl were the first to get certified looking at their example we also followed and many other have done the same. perhaps same time next year they might be 25+ couples here.
also be warned they are software's online that can record a cam chat so if your planning to go full nude with your face showing remember the other people could be pushing a record button especially if its a single guy.

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

Dear Nudy Couples,
I'm just remembering once again. This group made for only true couples. Only members can view this group picture. Single males cannot enter and see our pic. I am the moderator. I only knows, daily lot of males and non certified couples are sending request to join this group. There are lot of demand in this group.
I am denying everybody and i am allowing only reorganized couples to join.
We should think positive. We are in right track to promoting nudism.
Thank you.
Long live nudism

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

You people want to see any more from us ?

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RE: Hey everyone can we upload one photo each to recognize ?

yes we agree we all should add bits and pieces. no matter if its photos with face or with out, writings, videos, experiences, thoughts, or Indian nudist info. otherwise if no one add anything it will become a sad and boring group.

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