RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

How important is it for you to be who you are ?In my opinion respect for the other is to him and from him.But it looks complicated when he thinks he is the only man who sees your naked. But why? Naturism has nothing to do with showing your body. There is so much respect on the beach or other place for the person who he / she is, not who he or she looks like. Maybe explain what naturism really means for you, why you feel so comfortable with it and where he is afraid forGood luck !, sometimes its hard to explain and convince that you do it because you feel comfortable with it and for you not an issueI have explained. I've told him that I've always enjoyed being without clothing, that I hate being bound by bras, jeans, shoes... I've explained that being nude at home, beaches, resorts... I feel free and more wonderful than in any other situation. I've explained that to me it's nothing sexual but more sexually enticing to have clothing on... I've explained that yes, there may be some that lust but they would prolly lust whether I had a bikini on or even fully clothed, maybe more so...oh so much more... I think I may be making some headway though, as far as me being a naturist, by sharing these posts and letting him see that nudist are not necessarily a bunch of freaks (although I went to one adult resort where I was repulsed by some peoples behavior, NEVER AGAIN). We shall see.... one day at a time, one minute... sometimes...

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Be who you are. If he truly loves you he will accept you as you are. We may not always agree with some things our loved onesdo but love them for who they are. Anything else is not love but possession. Be who you are and let him decide do I lover her enough to accept her as she is?AMEN!

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

I've been on trip out west with my parents and aunt. Enjoyed Secret Cove for my 45 birthday even though chilly I couldn't resist an icy plunge into Lake Tahoe. My Mom captured my joy in my birthday suite and I sent pics to my hubby... made his day! LOVE!! Thank you all for your support,encouragement... thankful for fellow naturists!

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Belated Happy Birthday to you. I would say the majority of us on the site are pulling for you. We all know the joys of nudism and it seems like the vast majority of us are happily married. When we hear of a young couple's wedding, we are very happy for them, because we know the happiness we have in the married state and we want the same for them. Sometimes it just doesn't quite work out that way.
I was re-reading your letters and one important thing struck me. In your first letter, you stated that your husbandis a conservative Christian. That may be part of your problem; that is your husband's interpretation of what a Christian really is. If you don't meet that ideal that's in his head, then you have some real problems. You may be doing all the things a wife should be doing, but in this one area you are failing in his mind. Rather that being thankful for his wonderful, loving wife, he is looking at the down side and making you both miserable for this one thing that he doesn't agree with.I don't believe you need to change but he needs to reevaluate his views on Christianity.
Below is an article on the morality of nudism. I'm sure you'll recognizeits author. I hope it helps.
Pope John Paul II on Nudism
Drawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla has produced a remarkably eloquent and resourceful book, Love and Responsibility.
The following is a portion of that work.
Sexual modesty cannot then in any simple way be identified with the use of clothing, nor shamelessness with the absence of clothing and total or partial nakedness. There are circumstances in which nakedness is not immodest nakedness as such is not to be equated with physical shamelessness. Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person, when its aim is to arouse concupiscence, as a result of which the person is put in the position of an object of enjoyment. The human body is not in itself shameful, nor for the same reasons are sensual reactions, and human sensuality in general. Shamelessness (just like shame and modesty) is a function of the interior of a person. There is a certain relativism in the definition of what is shameless. This relativism may be due to differences in the makeup of particular persons-a greater or lesser sensual excitability, a higher or lower level of moral culture-or to different world views. It may equally be due to differences in external conditions-in climate, for instanceand also in prevailing customs, social habits, etc. Dress is always a social question, a function ofsocial customs. In this matter there is no exact similarity in the behavior of particular people, even if they live in the same age and the same society. The principle of what is truly immodest is simple and obvious, but its application in specific cases depends upon the individual, the milieu, the society. There are circumstances in which nakedness is not immodest. If someone takes advantage of such an occasion to treat the person as an object of enjoyment (even if his action is purely internal) it is only he who is guilty of shamelessness not the other.
-- Pope John Paul II, Love and Responsibility, trans. H.T. Willetts (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1981), pp. 176-192.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

!LOVE1LIFE, Belated Happy Birthday to you. I would say the majority of us on the site are pulling for you. We all know the joys of nudism and it seems like the vast majority of us are happily married. When we hear of a young couple's wedding, we are very happy for them, because we know the happiness we have in the married state and we want the same for them. Sometimes it just doesn't quite work out that way.I was re-reading your letters and one important thing struck me. In your first letter, you stated that your husbandis a conservative Christian. That may be part of your problem; that is your husband's interpretation of what a Christian really is. If you don't meet that ideal that's in his head, then you have some real problems. You may be doing all the things a wife should be doing, but in this one area you are failing in his mind. Rather that being thankful for his wonderful, loving wife, he is looking at the down side and making you both miserable for this one thing that he doesn't agree with.I don't believe you need to change but he needs to reevaluate his views on Christianity.Below is an article on the morality of nudism. I'm sure you'll recognizeits author. I hope it helps.DesertRatPope John Paul II on NudismDrawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla has produced a remarkably eloquent and resourceful book, Love and Responsibility.The following is a portion of that work.Sexual modesty cannot then in any simple way be identified with the use of clothing, nor shamelessness with the absence of clothing and total or partial nakedness. There are circumstances in which nakedness is not immodest nakedness as such is not to be equated with physical shamelessness. Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person, when its aim is to arouse concupiscence, as a result of which the person is put in the position of an object of enjoyment. The human body is not in itself shameful, nor for the same reasons are sensual reactions, and human sensuality in general. Shamelessness (just like shame and modesty) is a function of the interior of a person. There is a certain relativism in the definition of what is shameless. This relativism may be due to differences in the makeup of particular persons-a greater or lesser sensual excitability, a higher or lower level of moral culture-or to different world views. It may equally be due to differences in external conditions-in climate, for instanceand also in prevailing customs, social habits, etc. Dress is always a social question, a function ofsocial customs. In this matter there is no exact similarity in the behavior of particular people, even if they live in the same age and the same society. The principle of what is truly immodest is simple and obvious, but its application in specific cases depends upon the individual, the milieu, the society. There are circumstances in which nakedness is not immodest. If someone takes advantage of such an occasion to treat the person as an object of enjoyment (even if his action is purely internal) it is only he who is guilty of shamelessness not the other.-- Pope John Paul II, Love and Responsibility, trans. H.T. Willetts (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1981), pp. 176-192.Thank you and thank you for sharing! I'm not Catholic but do find this very interesting. I so appreciate your support. Everything good to you and yours...

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Hello, I can't help but wonder if this subject was discussed prior to marriage? Surely, you were aware of your desires long before you were married. No one likes to find out years later (coming out of the closet if you will) about the person they plan on spending the rest of their life with. Yes, I love to run around nude while my wife won't walk from the bathroom to the bedroom without at least a robe on. I frequent the local nudist camp but I go alone. Not as much fun but it satisfies my desire to be and be around nude people. I just go do my thing while my wife does what ever she planned for the day. There's no advice within this reply just some thoughts. Good Luck and I hope you continue to enjoy the freedom of being nude.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Hello, I can't help but wonder if this subject was discussed prior to marriage? Surely, you were aware of your desires long before you were married. No one likes to find out years later (coming out of the closet if you will) about the person they plan on spending the rest of their life with. Yes, I love to run around nude while my wife won't walk from the bathroom to the bedroom without at least a robe on. I frequent the local nudist camp but I go alone. Not as much fun but it satisfies my desire to be and be around nude people. I just go do my thing while my wife does what ever she planned for the day. There's no advice within this reply just some thoughts. Good Luck and I hope you continue to enjoy the freedom of being nude.Hi,
I don't know you at all so I'd like to know, are you wondering because you desire to get to know me or because you want to jab at me?
Good for you. Thank you. I do as frequently as possible.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

I'm glad you responded 1LOVE. I was going to but didn't want to hijack your thread with a banter between me and someone else. I've followed your posts and we've become friends and I know you can handle these types of posts better than most. ;-) Now ... with regards to the previous poster; The only way that two people can know EVERYTHING about one another is ... well, there is no knowing EVERYTHING about your lifelong partner. A marriage is about growing and learning to live and compromise with the other person daily. We all change our minds over time, things become more important and others do not. The fact remains that LOVE has stated that her husband knew and knows of her enjoyment of nudism, just like reading books or anything else that make up who 1LOVE is and "he" either accepts her for who she is or if he can't ... he'll have a difficult time finding that "perfect" person because they just don't exist.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

You are obviously trying to make this work. Get him to a resort where he can talk to other men.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

I'm glad you responded 1LOVE. I was going to but didn't want to hijack your thread with a banter between me and someone else. I've followed your posts and we've become friends and I know you can handle these types of posts better than most. ;-) Now ... with regards to the previous poster; The only way that two people can know EVERYTHING about one another is ... well, there is no knowing EVERYTHING about your lifelong partner. A marriage is about growing and learning to live and compromise with the other person daily. We all change our minds over time, things become more important and others do not. The fact remains that LOVE has stated that her husband knew and knows of her enjoyment of nudism, just like reading books or anything else that make up who 1LOVE is and "he" either accepts her for who she is or if he can't ... he'll have a difficult time finding that "perfect" person because they just don't exist.Thank you my friends. I appreciate your respect and support. Well said. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

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