RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Really good site from a godly and wise man that might help in case you haven't read it:
The Biblical Naturist

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Really good site from a godly and wise man that might help in case you haven't read it:The Biblical Naturistthank you!

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

You can still practice nustism and be together. Maybe take a few days of vacation from time to time and go to a nudist resort by yourself or take a nudist friend. I would suggest a fellow female as he would probably think it inappropriate to be nude with a guy. That way you can be nude and still be with him too. Just explain that you have to be nude. The few days at a resort will help satisfy your need to be nude. It may also fuel your desire to be nude more often. I don't know. Would he at least accept that?
He doesn't mind you being nude at home does he or is he completely against it regardless of where you are?
Hope it helps.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Wow, Thanks for the link to the Biblical Naturist. I think this is what I have been searching for.

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RE: This free wheeling, wild child, wife, needs advice!

Wow, Thanks for the link to the Biblical Naturist. I think this is what I have been searching for.Right? Good stuff my new "friend"...

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