The orginal Superbowl of volleyball
Mark your calenders for Sept 6-8th for the largest nude volleyball tourney in North America! Always a good time and a great way to end the summer nudist season with 1500 + people!!
- 12 years ago
The Superbowl of volleyball is always the week following Labor day.Here is this years schedule.
Mon 9/5
10:00 amMassage Therapy by Jennifer 10-?
10:45 amFlag Raising
11:00 amVolleyball Fun Bowl Sand courts
8:00 pmWiggle Waggle Bingo
Tues 9/68:00 amPick-Up & Challenge Games
10:00 amNude Yoga Clubhouse
12:00 pmCorn Hole
8:00 pmWiggle Waggle Bingo
3s Volleyball Sand Tournament
Wed 9/77:30 8 am3s Volleyball Tournament sign up
8:30 amRound-Robin 3's Volleyball Tournament
10:00 amMassage Therapy by Jennifer 10-?
8:00 pmDJ Dance / Karaoke Party Take One Productions
9:00 pmNeon Body Paint Under the Black Lights
4s Volleyball Sand Tournament
Thu 9/87:30 8 am4s Volleyball Tournament sign up
10:00 amNude Yoga Clubhouse
8:30 amRound-Robin 4's Volleyball Tournament
9:00 pmVerdict Rock 'n Roll from the 80's through today
9:00 pmZombie Apocalypse Theme Black Lights
Open Games & Team Practice
Fri 9/99:00 amOpen Games & Team Practice
9:00 amMassage Therapy by Jennifer and Robin 9-?
10am-NoonTiki Volleyball Skills Clinic
Noon-4ishTiki DJ Pool Party
8:00 pmOpening Ceremonies
9:00 pmCassanova Playing your favorite dance music
9:00 pmPirate Costume Theme
Round Robin & Position Games
Sat 9/107-8 amVolleyball team sign-up
8:15 amRound Robin & Position Games
9:00 amMassage Therapy by Jennifer and Robin 9-?
10:00 amNude Yoga Clubhouse
8:15 pm50/50 Drawing winner must be present
8:30 pmSuper Bowl "Saturday Night Dance Party" / Take One Productions
11:00 pmRock Stars Costume Contest Judging
Volleyball Nude Super Bowl XLVI Elimination & Championship Games
Sun 9/119:00 amVolleyball Elimination & Championship Games
10:00 amMassage Therapy by Jennifer 10-?
2:00 pmCorn Roast
- 9 years ago
I'm going there too this year , but only the second half 7-10 September 2017
- 8 years ago