RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

I recently started hosting parties now that I have a space where I can do it. A lot of people don't have a place to be naked so I'm grateful to be able to share with them. I invite adult men (gay, bi-sexual or bi-curious, open and comfortable, even married) I have a pool, but no hot tub, and during the summer things center around the pool, sun, and BBQ. Some also sit under the gazebo and play card games and chat. Later if it turns cool we move indoors and watch TV or a movie, or play games around the inside table. I also host evening skinny dip drop ins (bring your own dinner) which is great for those very local.
Guests show up after a set start time, and they enter the back yard through a gate (this way I rarely have to answer the door and worry about greeting a salesperson or unsusspecting neighbor). Signs welcome them, and confirm that there are naked people ahead. I'm naked before anyone else arrives, so they immediately see at least one naked person. They're invited in to a room to "drop their stuff" and join in. I find the logistics of how to start things off to be an important part of making everyone comfortable.
I'm very comfortable with sexual energy, but my goal with the parties is to give people an opportunity to interact socially and just enjoy being naked.I advertise the parties a "socials" and I communicate the intent that any kind of sexual activity be taken behind a closed door. Unless everyone attending is expecting sexual activity (and those parties can be lots of fun too, just not what I host), sex in public changes the tone and tends to make some people less comfortable, and in that way begins to exclude some people. At my socials rooms are available so I invite people to take it private. The couple of erections that have happened have been admirered and we've moved on. Many of us touch ourselves and make adjustments, much like we do when clothed. I'm not going to act prudish or avoid touching myself just because i'm naked. One guest in his early 20s masterbated in front of other guests for a short while, but it was limited, and contained to a more private settings, and did not become excessive. Sex has happened on several occasions behind closed doors. Most guests are never aware, which is perfect. They all know there is space set asside for it.
So far I think they've been very successful.

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

I like any kind of nude party that I can be naked with other men. I use to host once a month when I lived in Norfolk, Va., now that I moved to Wiscosnin, I have not had a chance to host. But have attend a few all male parties.

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

This thread is a hoot. It brings up just about every mis-conception about nudism and swinging that i have ever heard of. The "true nudist" denying all sexuality and the swingers beingpromiscuous orgy goers. Everybody judging everybodyand stamping them into the mold they have in their head.Its funny, i have been a nudist for decades and have never even heard of or been to a straight, vanilla nudist party, besides a few things at the bar of the resort we go to. Ive been to many many swingers parties (way less nudity than you may think and way less sex than you may think) and everybody that goes to them knows what they are, its not a surprise to anybody.I have traveled the world and america is the most prudish, sexually ignorant, and paranoid country i have lived in, save possibly saudia arabia. I believe the reason many nudists deny sexuallity is because they areterrified a child may seea sexuall situation. Good heavens their heads may explode, refusing to acknowledge that kids have been watching that for as long as there has been sex.So, i would be quite comfortable at a nude party without sex, with sex or whatever. The adult thing to do is not judge people lest you be judged!!!

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

i dont have a preference,i like em allbut if i had a choice,,,,,,,,it would have to be a nude biker party,,it;s a ton of fun

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

i dont have a preference,i like em allbut if i had a choice,,,,,,,,it would have to be a nude biker party,,it;s a ton of funA nude biker party sounds nice. I always enjoy sitting around a campfire at night among many of my nudist friends and sharing stories and such. Having a potluck of anassortment if food and cold drinks in the cooler. This might go hand in hand among nudist bikers .

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

I like any kind of party that the attendents are naked!

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Dave is Right

This is true nudists.... Nudism does not involve or equate to sex. Like Dave, I have no objection to swingers, sex, sex parties, or anything else. I'm a member of True Swingers. But, to me a nude party is just that - not involving sex.
That said, hiking, camping, swimming, house parties, holiday parties are all fun for social nudists.

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

No particular preference -- sitting around to watch TV or crazy swinging or points in between. As long as everyone at the party is on the same page. I was at a party and met a couple who had come and totally misunderstood the nature of the party, and I felt so bad for them. Frankly, I travel a lot, so I'm not always been in a place long enough to make links with the local nudist community, so I don't go to many parties. I'm hoping TN might help with that, or at least give me a social outlet in lieu of parties. For what it's worth, I'm in LA for 6 weeks starting in mid-December, if anyone is hosting a get-together and wants to invite new people.

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

Some of the best ones I've been to have been costume parties. Need to be really creative to naked but with an appropriate costume.
I also like camping with friends, dinner parties, movie nights, etc.

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

Hi...we like outdoor parties for socializing and inside parties for other possibilties that may develop during the event.... staring out with a predefined agenda is not very relaxing...but when the spirit is there we enjoy experiences with new friends.

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