RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

I would like to go to a toga party--even though that would be a partially-nude party.

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RE: What kind of Nude Parties do you like?

I have been to many different types of nudists and clothed parties also, as I am sure we all have, as well as hosting them. I have also read all the responses here and am kind of amazed at the wide range of responses. 1st off, there are as many different types of nudists parties as there are nudists and no two parties, nudists or not, are the same. Frankly, If you are hosting the party then all your guests should be informed of the rules before attending. I've attended parties where sexual activities were always going to occur and I've attended where none would occur. Have I indulged myself when there was sexual activity? On more than one occasion, yes. I have also made the decision not to indulge on numerous occasions. Your body,your choice! This is where the host comes in. The host should make sure all guest are aware of the types of activities that are acceptable and perhaps even at different times of the party. If you are at a party where sexual activities occur and you are uncomfortable let your host know and then excuse yourself from the party.If I were hosting a party. nudist or otherwise, and someone was doing anything, sexual or otherwise,thatmade the rest of my guests feel uncomfortable, that individual would be asked to leave. Normally inappropriate behavior is brought on by the consumption of to much alcohol or drugs. Watch your guests! As the host, that is your responsibility. Take care of your guests and make sure they get home in one piece and don't regret tomorrow what they did tonight at your party. Every party I have ever had where there was alcohol I have taken the guests keys and only returned them when I am sure they are sober. I also call the local cab company and make sure they will have one available for us all night. A good tip to the cabby's works well. Hey, they are your guests and your friends. take care of them. Somevery close friends of mine had a sign above their pool and hot tub that said "N. C. I. P, After 10pm. This stood for "No Clothes In the Pool After 10pm". However when casual guests were at his parties it stood for "No Chemicals In The Pool After 10pm. If you knew what it meant you were a close enough friend to stay, and you probably would. However, unless you were a swinger you would be gone before that started around 2am. Funny thing was they were the best hosts I've ever met. No one ever got busted for driving drunk, and people raved about the parties for weeks.IT'S ALL IN HOW YOUR PRESENT IT.

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