Rooster Rock Conditions, as of May 11
I went to Rooster Rick yesterday, and the water level was higher than I had ever seen it, however i have only lived in the area for two and a half years.
We tried several trails out to teh rive proper, but all the ones we tried were swampy and/or underwater. i did run into a coupel of guys who said they found a dry trail out to the river, and if that is so, it seems there is probably only one.
We are supposed to have rain off and on for the next week, so the river level won't likely be dropping anytime soon.
A few other beach goers commented that the water level was about two feet higher than the previous day, so it could be that they let water out of the dams anticipating the coming rain.
At least the early warm weather portends a longer nude beach season this year.