Retread to T.N.
So this is my 3rd time with a page on T.N. and this tim I'm here to stay. its been about 2-3 years since iwas here last. used to be "bakyrdndst" and am now the new improved 50% more sane "outothebakyrd". I ended a relationship and am experiancing a sort of re birth, a chance to spread my wings to the fullest. A goal i fullfilled is that i came back here and have reservations at L.A.R.C. for mid june, 2 nights!
- 12 years ago
Welcome to the Party
Please check out the site and if you have any questions let any of us know. We'll be happy to help.
Make sure you take the time and fill out an honest profile of you, for it will help you make friends in this and other sites.
Ensure you check out and join the TN Groups/Rooms/Forums, is a great way to meet people near you and with similar interests.
As always, keep it clean, tasteful and honest and you'll have a great time making/meeting new TN friends.
Also WWW.AANR.COM has the answers to just about every nudist question there is, so make sure you check it out as well.
Have a good day, stay nude and keep in touch. Xoxoxo . . . Hawk
- 12 years ago