Backyard Privacy

Hi Everyone, I'm looking for affordable, fast low impact and attractive barriers between my yard and my neighbors.I'm feeling to exposed and just want to be able to do what I want to do without offending the people that border my backyard. One fence is already high. The people behind are lower than my property and the people to my next are higher than my property and can look into my yard.I don't want to offend the neighbors as we chat over the fence and swap our fruit and veg from our gardens. Any ideas would be great. I'm really not a handy man and don't have cash available to get anyone in to do big jobs.

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RE: Backyard Privacy

I also have this problem and am having a difficult time solving it. Because of zoning restrictions, I can not build a fence over 6 foot in height. I know of many people who have ignored this regulation and it is no problem. In my case I have a neighbor who reports any thing like this to the City.
The only thing I can do legally is to plant trees or shrubs that can grow high enoug to block their view. After much research I believe I have found a plant that will meet my needs. I hope to have them in the ground by this time next week. I am told, withproper watering and feeding, they should grow rather quickly.

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RE: Backyard Privacy

If it is only one neighbour who can see you, have you tried talking to them. You could always notify them in advance of your nude activities. Failing this, you could have a temporary windbreak fixed to long poles that can be slotted into some sort of brackets on the existing fence.

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RE: Backyard Privacy

If you are in a warm enough area, try bamboo, it grows quickly once established, forms a dense barrier, and will make a terrific visual block for your nude yard activities!

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RE: Backyard Privacy

I appreciate this thread as I too desire to be in my backyard without clothing. I am going to check with my local government and see what the laws are possibly talking with my neighbors if it's illegal. I currently have a private area with 6ft fencing and the majority of the rest of my backyard has a 4.5' fence. Outside of the fenced areas 3/4 of backyard is divided by tree lines so I feel pretty protected but still want to respect others. Thank you for the question and input.

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RE: Backyard Privacy

If it is only one neighbour who can see you, have you tried talking to them. You could always notify them in advance of your nude activities. Failing this, you could have a temporary windbreak fixed to long poles that can be slotted into some sort of brackets on the existing fence.
Yes, we've talked and they dead set against giving us any privacy. We tried raising the wall height but they removed it with the City's blessing because it was illegal. Nothing is allowed to be attached to the fence. Many people make these alterations but as long as no one complains, nothing is done.
If you are in a warm enough area, try bamboo, it grows quickly once established, forms a dense barrier, and will make a terrific visual block for your nude yard activities!

Yes, we've considered Bamboo and it is, as you say, very dense. It is also very dirty to have in the pool area because it drops a lot of leaves. Standing out on a fence line it would also be susceptible to frost damage.
We are going to try a type of Oleander that can be grown like a tree with a single trunk and a wide, spreading top. These are to be planted on 4 foot centers. I hope this works. Of course our nasty neighbor will be allowed to prune any branches over hanging her yard.

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RE: Backyard Privacy

If it is only one neighbour who can see you, have you tried talking to them. You could always notify them in advance of your nude activities. Failing this, you could have a temporary windbreak fixed to long poles that can be slotted into some sort of brackets on the existing fence.I have an old picnic blanket and sheets hung up on the clothes line I've run along the fence. I never take the sheets in.Many years ago they saw myself and partner walked around the house naked. We weren't aware they could see in. They asked their neighbor to talk to us. Haha
I had thought about bamboo. It's something that's been on my mind. I know there are varietys that don't spread. My Gran had a field of bamboo across from her homestead. It was full of bugs that bit.
Some great ideas, thank you.
The oleander sounds interesting. Does it drop many leaves?

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RE: Backyard Privacy

I hope what im going to say makes sence... you should think smaller area... if you put up simple barricades like clothes hanging dryers, a picnic table, and or BBQ, you can keep out of sight of youre neighbours with a bit of imagination...
Always think of the angles they may see you at, if those angles are all covered you can be nude in youre back yard as i am but only on my patio.. Best of luck with it... :)

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RE: Backyard Privacy

I hope what im going to say makes sence... you should think smaller area... if you put up simple barricades like clothes hanging dryers, a picnic table, and or BBQ, you can keep out of sight of youre neighbours with a bit of imagination... Always think of the angles they may see you at, if those angles are all covered you can be nude in youre back yard as i am but only on my patio.. Best of luck with it... :)Brilliant! *slaps forehead*They'll also be able to keep the morning light that would hit their kitchen window.I have a spot that perfect and is 80% of the space I want to be. Cheers

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RE: Backyard Privacy

has anyone here ever asked a neighbor about being able to go nude in there yard , my neighbor are nice and i know they have seen me a time or two but i allways wanted to ask but i never know how to bring it up to them

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RE: Backyard Privacy

has anyone here ever asked a neighbor about being able to go nude in there yard , my neighbor are nice and i know they have seen me a time or two but i allways wanted to ask but i never know how to bring it up to themOn a warm sunny day, I would say to them, "Good morning, it's a lovely day for nude sunbathing". According to their response, you should have some idea about how they feel.

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