RE: The semi-truckers

Would love to drive nude some more in australia but it's hard... cos i only want dirty old men truck drivers to see me because it gets me off nothing better than these guys seeing u and your having a pull of your hard on very exciting ;)

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RE: The semi-truckers

I got my first shot of a flasher when I was getting my CDL in Oakland. We were on a training run from Oakland to Stockton
and it was a great intro to OTR.
I have driven naked through town, through drive-thrus, on long trips, and when I
was driving big truck across country (dressing only through the scales). I used to make the run from Banning to Phoenix nude and stroking except for a brief period thru the scales.I love
it and will be doing more of it.

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RE: The semi-truckers

I have driven nude on the highway more than once, twice on long trips between a job in the bay area to my house in Norco in Southern Cal back when I lived there. This was a 375 mile long trip, and once, it was daylight the whole time, and the other, I hit rush hour traffic coming into the LA basin around dawn. Both times, I was able to drive up to my side gate, since I had to offload my equipment into my barn which was in the backyard, and had to exit my truck nude in order to open that gate. Little chance of being seen, but it was still a bit of a rush. While driving though, if I was passing a truck or one was passing me (yeah, that happened with the way I drive... sarcasm there), I would cover myself with a towel. I didn't want anyone calling CHP.
Later in Colorado, I got my CDL while working for Halliburton, and over the course of two years, I never saw any nudity while looking down into cars. That's a bummer, but I am afraid I am not a member of that club.
I hope everyone has a wonderful nude day.

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