RE:Favorite nude activities?

Clamming. one of the best things ever is naked clamming.

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

Clamming. one of the best things ever is naked clamming.

Sounds like a good idea to me. Keeps you from getting your clothes dirty and smelly

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

By mensasnem:

Did you notice that he left the pointless, useless, and extraneous Us in the words "favoUrite" and "neighboUrhood"? Clear indication that he's a brit. Nudity is legal in the UK -- despite the fact that it's not particularly socially acceptable.

What, as opposed to these revisionist Americans? :-P

(Speaking as an Aussie, where we (mostly) stick to the Brit spellings. :-) )

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

By mensasnem:Did you notice that he left the pointless, useless, and extraneous Us in the words "favoUrite" and "neighboUrhood"? Clear indication that he's a brit. Nudity is legal in the UK -- despite the fact that it's not particularly socially acceptable.What, as opposed to these revisionist Americans? :-P(Speaking as an Aussie, where we (mostly) stick to the Brit spellings. :-) )

When my son was in grad school in London, British spelling was required for students from Britain and Commonwealth countries, but either was accepted from others.

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

From something I read a while back gives the noted speller Daniel Webster credit for removing many of the U*s from American English. The article said he was irritated at the British and dropped the u in many of the our ending words.

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

Yes. Exactly.What, as opposed to these revisionist Americans?We have Webster to thank for correcting many of the spelling issues that are still present in Brit-spell. I'm only sorry Webster didn't correct more of the problems.

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

From something I read a while back gives the noted speller Daniel Webster credit for removing many of the U*s from American English. The article said he was irritated at the British and dropped the u in many of the our ending words.

The person you are referencing is actually Noah Webster, the writer of the dictionary. I agree that his standardization of spelling could have been very much more complete. What we have to consider is different accents in the country where many words are pronounced differently. Those pronunciations have also evolved in many cases. The spelling that Webster wrote was what he heard.

Daniel Webster was a Secretary of State.

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

From something I read a while back gives the noted speller Daniel Webster credit for removing many of the U*s from American English. The article said he was irritated at the British and dropped the u in many of the our ending words.The person you are referencing is actually Noah Webster, the writer of the dictionary. I agree that his standardization of spelling could have been very much more complete. What we have to consider is different accents in the country where many words are pronounced differently. Those pronunciations have also evolved in many cases. The spelling that Webster wrote was what he heard.Daniel Webster was a Secretary of State.

And Congressman and Senator.

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

Nudeyooper, thank you for the clarification! It's getting the little things wrong that make us all a little smarter once they are corrected.

One of my favorite things to do is reading nude as I'm tanning, right now through the glass panes of our resorts hot tub building with the temperature still too low to brave outdoors bare. The latest book is by Doris Kearns Goodwin lent me by Mom Team of Rivals, written in 2005. Daniel Webster had a small part in it, but as Secretary of State for count 'em three Presidents, his involvement in American history is deep. This excellent book (I'm only 265 pages in - 489 to go[!]) is all the more enjoyable for me at this pivotal political moment, with its main thrust so far dealing with the four men who were up for the Republican nomination for president in 1860, and purportedly eventually deals with Lincoln's decision to name those three rivals to his cabinet. The Daniel Day Lewis movie "Lincoln" was written using this book as the main background source, a movie which I've heard focuses on Lincoln's last four months as president. I REAAAALY want to watch the movie before I'm done reading, oh the temptation! My ass cheeks are going to be plenty cooked if I don't remember to stop reading once in a while and turn over onto my back some, hee hee!

Merriam-Webster is my online go-to dictionary. That is Noah Webster, the spelling man, thanks! He died in 1843 and the Merriams acquired the rights to his dictionary, thus the name of the current reference book. I also hit up my American Heritage Dictionary when the computer isn't on, though the dust collecting on it is getting quite thick of late. Keep up the good work, wordsmiths!

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RE:Favorite nude activities?

Yes. Definitely Noah.The person you are referencing is actually Noah Webster, the writer of the dictionary. Daniel Webster was a Secretary of State.

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