lehalise nudism in india

RE: lehalise nudism in india

Signed it; in my real name.

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Sharing here my words in the petition

We are born naked. Had we had the need of clothes, God would have sent us with them. Revered sadhus of Hindu and Jain sects are naked as an expression of renunciation. Nudism is not equal with sex in itself and equating it with sex is an offence and is the cause of increased sex offences and violence against women in India. Being nude is being in our true self and free expression of body will reduce repression and thus will reduce sex offence and sexual and domestic violences, too.

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RE: Sharing here my words in the petition

More supporters needed, sign it. Come on, who feel the need. You need not share your full address; only the full name and the pincode; so it is safe.

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RE: lehalise nudism in india

is this site really effective? what will be its effect? can you elaborate the working of this site.. and how it will help us to make it legalize the nudism.. i m asking about the site www.change.org

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RE: lehalise nudism in india

A monumental burden requires a lot of protests, many futile attempts and hard work to have it removed.

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RE: lehalise nudism in india

Signed, with real name..

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RE: lehalise nudism in india

singed it with real name ! cheers!

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RE: lehalise nudism in india

Also linked the appeal with my Sonaachand id of Facebook, thus it can spread to many.

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