
Welcome to the site and the world of nudism, Its a great time and a great way of life!!! This site if full of wonderful people, helped me out alot when I first got into it (earlierthis year), Some are a little rough around the edges, but most true nudists that I have met are very nice andcaringpeople. Good luck and Have FUN!!!

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RE: Welcome

I too welcome you to the site, Bria. Generally speaking nudists are fine people. There is nothing like feeling the sun and breeze on your bare skin.

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RE: Welcome

Think she felt very welcome now

Well she jolly well should do!

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RE: I'm new here!


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RE: Just joined today and I am so glad to find this site :-)

Welcome to the site, Skippy!

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RE: Just joined today and I am so glad to find this site :-)

This is the first truly nudist only site that looks awsome, I will be sticking around thanks alot TrueNudist your great!
Welcome to the site Skippy!
Keep talking like that,
and you can stay as long as you like!

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RE: I'm new here!

Welcome Bria: I love Canada, have be to Pentecton and kelonwa a lot of times. I used to live in Omak, Wash. Not that far away. There are some great people on here. ENJOY

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RE: I'm new here!

it's okay. I'm still getting used to the site, and I dont have much time on my hands right now, with University starting up, and all that jazz, once I get more time to get to know this site, and some people, and have more time, I'll get myself certified. Unfortunately, so far I havent even had time to browse through the forums. I am extremely busy. And also a little scared of what will await me here, I've talked to some of the other girls here, and havent gotten very positive comments about some of the guys on this site, which is also why I am a little hesitant right now on adding guys to my friends list.
Everyone was new, once. Maybe twice !
What awaits isn't much different than you'd find anywhere. Caution is always advised. The other girls are right ! SOME of the guys can be absolute morons, so do learn the "flag" button. It does work, eventually. As to adding friends, see my private message to you.

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RE: I'm new here!

This site is not much different than other sites when it comes to how women are treated or approached. This site does have a great core group of people who endevor to try to weed out those that know not how to respect others. I recommend you take the time to get to know the people here that do represent the true meaning of this site. I am sure you have dealt with this on other sites or in real life, so just trust your instincts and everything will work out. The minority here do not represent the majority.
Getting Certified is really they best way to gain the respect and trust on this site.
Welcome and have fun.

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need help

i'm sorry, i'm new here too and cant see how to
start a NEW topic here, so i can only reply.
but if i could start a new topic, i'd want to know
how i can post a photo of myself, IF the "browse" button
on the upload a photo page doesnt work.
additionally, there seems to be no way to
email an administrator here either...anyone help
me with that?

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