- 11 years ago
ManOfWicklow, what has my grievance or anyone else's for that matter got to do with you?
You have made it everyone's business by posting on this thread.
- 11 years ago
ManOfWicklow, what has my grievance or anyone else's for that matter got to do with you?
You have made it everyone's business by posting on this thread.
- 11 years ago
Damo...with all due respect, your antagonistic name calling attitude will get you absolutely no where, apart from earning you the same disrespect you have shown to the mod in question! If you have a problem and have no way of contacting the mod at least use a modicum ofdecency within the forums when asking for a reason for your kicking from the chat room. Now with that said I would state without doubt that there was (judging by your attitude) a very valid reason for you beingshown stage leftfrom the chat room. Suck it up get over it and enjoy your three day vacation.
- 11 years ago
Thank you for your very well thought out, articulate, well speltand intelligentreply, says it all really.....*sigh*
- 11 years ago
Thank you for your very well thought out, articulate, well speltand intelligentreply, says it all really.....*sigh*
Don't worry, I have a feeling his tenure here will be a short one.
- 11 years ago
There is a mod named Rusty, and he is one of the good guys. As are all of the mods.
- 11 years ago
And you sir, are an ass.....
- 11 years ago
Thank you for your very well thought out, articulate, well speltand intelligentreply, says it all really.....*sigh*
I think you missed 'witty' & 'respectful'?
- 11 years ago
All I am going to say on the matter is:The screen shot's in question thatsawyou ceremoniously outed from the chat-room for three days have been sent to TT.....You and your name calling attitude has done nothing at all to help your "cause"......Not that there ever was one...... Gee when will thesepeople learn that they would be better visiting TS. Have a wonderful holiday from the chat room, see you when you get back but trust me the Mod's will be watching you carefully :)
- 11 years ago