Aug 03, AANR-NW Beach Cleanup @ Rooster Rock

The text was copied and pasted from "The Well-Spring" the offical newsletter of the Hidden Springs Nudist Club (a non-landed club based in Portland).
The first beach clean-up will be on Saturday, August
3 at 9:00 a.m. at Rooster Rock
State Park. This is a clothing
optional event, if you are
cleaning in the nude area. It is
highly suggested that you wear
shoes and sun screen. Hats are
also recommended if it is very
bright. Bring work gloves if
you have them. All tools and
clean-up bags will be furnished. We will be working
with the Rooster Rock park staff. The Park Ranger
Supervisor will have a list of projects that includes
light to heavy work. Volunteers do not have to pay the
day use fee. Tell the person in the registration booth
that you are there for the clean-up. When registering,
you will receive a card to put in your window. Meet
at the east end of the parking lot near the restrooms.
This should not last longer than around three hours,
and will be followed by a hot dog barbeque at the
picnic table just into the official nude beach area.
AANR-NW will provide cold water, sugar free
lemonade, meat and veggie hot dogs and trimmings
and some dessert snacks. Please do not leave any
items visible in your car. The only restrooms
accessible from the nude beach are located near the
parking area.

It should be noted that AANR-NW and ORCOBA, are responsible for most of the cleaning and some maintainanhce of the local nude beaches as the agencies who have jurisdiction do nto have funds to do it all themselves. These relationships go a long way to help keep the nude beaches legal and to keep friendly attitudes towards those who enjoy nude recreation.
Many may remember last year that the Dragonfly Trail was leveled and maintained with a tractor making it a very nice walk out to the river. AANR-NW, was responsible for that, although it will not be within their means to do something like that every year, they still deserve our appreciation.
For those interested in joining AANR, the Hidde3n Springs Nudist Club offers the lowest cost way to do so. If you opt for newsletters to be sent via email, instead of snail mail, the cost is less than $50 per year. membership also gets you discounts at any AANR affiliated landed club, as well as discounts on car renatals. The national organization also lobbies for legislation to help keep clothign optional places legal as well as to create new c/o places. So, even if you don't recoup your membership fee via discounts, the money does go to a good cause.

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