Aug 04, AANR-NW Beach Cleanup @ Collins Beach, Sauvie Island

The following was copied and pasted from "The Well Spring" the official newsletter of the Hidden Springs Nudists Club, a non-landed club based in Portland.
Sunday, August 4 - Sauvie Island-Collins Beach -
clean-up at 1:00 p.m. - A parking pass is usually
required and can be purchased at the store or deli after
crossing the bridge to the island. SOLVE may again
be able to get us some free day-of-event passes for
those that volunteer. Restrooms are close and located
in the parking area. We will concentrate our efforts on
the gravel road parking area and litter sweeps of the
beach area. Meet on the beach near the second nude
beach opening. A potluck will be held at around 3:30
p.m.. Contact for further details on
these events and on how to get a Collins Beach
parking pass.

As of the Hidden Springs meeting on July 13th, they still have not arranged to provide parking passes for cleanup participants, but they were still working on it.
For those who are unaware, the primary reason why the local nude beaches are so clean and free of litter is that AANR-NW and ORCOBA, fill in for the shortfall fall of funding for the local departments that have jurisdiction and do not have the funds to do it all themselves. These relationships create a lot of good will and a positive view of those who enjoy nude recreation and goes a logn way towards keeping the nude beaches legal places for nude recreational activities.
If you are interested in joining AANR, the Hidden Springs Nudist Club only charges slightly less than $50 a year for membership if you opt for email newsletters instead of snail mail. Hidden Springs s a non-landed club meaning they do not own land. However your AANR membership will allow you to receive discounts at AANR affiliated clubs that do have land and facilities, as well as discounts for car rentals when traveling. Teh AANR national organization also lobbies to keep nude recreation legal, so even if you do not recoup your membership fees via discounts the money does go towards a good cause, and it is tax dedutble.

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