SCNA's Skinny Dip Party
Precisely at 1:00 PM PST we had 40 members and guests in the pool at the
home of one of our member's. After taking the obligatory photo's, many
of us hit the pot luck table for a variety of delicious salads, dishes, and desserts.
A little after 2 PM we assembled on the shady patio to
conduct our annual Members meeting so our outgoing Board of Directors
could report to the attending membership and open our books for review as dictated
by California law for a non-profit corporation.
We then elected a new Board of Directors and Executives.
The rest of the afternoon was given over to enjoying each others company and the warm sunny
Southern Californian day, in and out of the pool.
We also staged a very successful 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction of the Lost & Found
items we've collected from all our parties over the last year.
Thanks to all the members, directors, and guests for your support, and making
this a wonderful party that we could enjoy naturally!