This Site???????
So... We logged on 4 days ago. We still have the same new messages. We've read them many times and replied to them. But, they are sill new messages.????????? Also, We've uploaded pics twice over the last two weeks and nothing.???? Not real sure what's up with this site????? It seemed to be a fun place but................Any suggestions?
Did you create a short cut on your desk top? If you don't do it correctly your entry point will stay as is.
No... Why would we need to do that????????I did not say youSHOULD -------------- I asked IF YOU DID. --------- I was trying to help you. --------------------------- Solve your damned problem by yourself!
MOcpl7071: So... We logged on 4 days ago. We still have the same new messages. We've read them many times and replied to them. But, they are sill new messages.????????? Also, We've uploaded pics twice over the last two weeks and nothing.???? Not real sure what's up with this site????? It seemed to be a fun place but................Any suggestions?
Wehad this problem a couple of weeks ago ourselves. We would just put a check in the box for the message and click the "Mark as Read" button. This would keep them from showing up as new messages. The problem ended up going away on it's own so don't know what caused it or how to fix it.
Did you create a short cut on your desk top? If you don't do it correctly your entry point will stay as is.
Hey O/P chill out. I think this post may have been in reference to skipping the new intro screen. It's also handy to do to add forum topics you want to watch as there isn't a bookmark feature.