First Week end in December?
We are thinking of heading to Florida the first week end in December. How is the weather for nude swimming and enjoying the outdoors nude?
- 12 years ago
Hi. It depends, but usually fine for nude activities. The ocean is probably a bit too cold, unless you are used to it. But the pools at the Cove should be fine! Maybe we will see you there. R & A.
- 12 years ago
Thanks waterlogged we will keep you posted if we make it or not, we are in Florida now but going home tomorrow, had company with us this trip so couldn't make it to the resort, but in Dec thinking of coming just the two of us
- 12 years ago
You're welcome.
- 12 years ago
Looks like we will be in Florida this week staying onle about 30-45 minutes away from Cypress Cove looking forward to spending a few day visits. If anyone is going to be in the area on those days and would like to meet new friends. Contact us to make plans!!
- 11 years ago
Sounds good, we will look for you.
- 11 years ago