The impact of TN site on my nude life.

1. TN has helped me to get in touch with more nudists.
2. Created a space for interaction
3 Getting knowledge.
4. Get to know of newer place

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

Yes, all these are true for me also. And it increased my nudist sphere many-fold.

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

I was a nudist practically before joining truenudists and after joining truenudists it makes me theorotical too about nudism....

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

sometimes logging to TN becomes addiction....then you have to struggle hard to restrict yourself from doing this....otherwise it kills productive time.

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

Another negative impact -
previously when I was nude in nature I was all by my self. There was no desire to take pictures. But after I joined TN...sharing those moments have become a priority over to just being in those moments and enjoying. So taking snaps become a compulsion...and sometimes if I could not take pictures...a sense of incompleteness engulfed me.

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

Exactly so. So for self regulation, i have made a rule to not to log in to TN, using my mobile.
Not to spend more than half hour in TN during my most productive time in the day.
Being to TN during leisure time.

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

On positive side - it has widened the world of fantasy. And when I find that my inner most fantasy is not exclusively mine but there are people who share the same - a sense of bonding develops immediately.
I feel most importatntly, we use this space for sharing thoughts/experiences etc. And it helps one to become more expressive. More I share more I feel myself light and free.

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

I joined TN when I started being a nudist for real. I'd been tinkering with it for most of my life but never really got into it until I joined TN. The others here and the groups gave me every encouragement. I also found details of some nudist guesthouses here on TN. Within months I was off on my first nude holiday, not knowing what to expect. I got such a warm welcome I have never looked back and have several nude holidays each year. The guest house have become close friends and I have made other friends there. I've also made real nude friends through TN - ones I meet face to face or go on holiday with.
In short without TN I probably wouldn't be as naked as often as I am now.

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

I accidentally came to TN.almost 2 months now am here...I was a closet nudist....Today i stripped in front of my roommates and slept naked.I got some good friends ... they made me boldand now i am trying to convert one of my roommate as a nudist. Almost near success.And Am thankful to my TN Friends....Congratulations on coming out of the nudist closet with your roommates, and good luck on converting one of them to our side! :)

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RE: The impact of TN site on my nude life.

The site has lead to many new contacts. Some just a "Hi, love your pics" and others to the exchange of many messages and the sharing of experiences and ideas. The biggest impact is actually arranging to meet with other members or finding other members at resorts or beaches and that a few have lead to very close relationships.

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