Soham was looking through the window, the attraction of the world outside was so intense that he was not able to concentrate on law of gravity . The physics class of class VII was on and the teacher was too engaged in explaining to notice that Soham was there but not there.
He was looking at the flyover and the speeding cars but those were not the stuff that attract him. He was rather looking at the green patches bush and wild ferns that grew thick along the gradient of the flyover.
Every day morning, while coming to school, Soham and his friends do not use the stairs to come down from the flyover. They jump into the bushy area and let themselves free. Its a great fun.
But the greater fun is when Soham closes his eyes and can see himself climbing up through the bushy slopethe touch of the leaves on his skin. He loved it...loved it like anything. The single touch of every natural object on every inche on his naked body. Yes, whenever he closes his eyes he can see himself completely nude, climbing up as if it is a huge mountain.
He was lost in the green, was enjoying the sensation on his body, blood was flowing from up and down and left and right and was creating a turmoil at the center of his body. He could feel the hardness. He looked down there. Anybody can make it out. He is not wearing any inner.

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Where were you? Why you are so unmindful today? asked Mr Sinha, the teacher. Soham was looking down and could feel somebody from behind threw a seed of small berry at his back. It must be Dave as he was buying berry before entering to school...that sala will get a solid kick at his bum today during the lunch time, thought Soham.
I am asking you something Soham, tell me, what I was explaining?
Soham was silent.
Angshu from right side asked very innocently Soham, why are you keeping the book like that, in front of you? Sir is standing in front
of you, please stand straight. The giggle became laughter.
Yah, yah, keep the book on the desk and stand straight - a combined voice came from both the sides.
Sir, he must be reading a story book, hiding it sir, please check it sir. Vijay said from the back, with a hope that sir would take the
book and Soham will left guard less.
Soham looked at Vijay with fiery eyes cursed Vijay but could not hold back his smile. Today it is Sohams turn to get bullied by all,
he is at receiving end.
The teacher could feel what was going on, perhaps from his own school days experiences. He did not ask Soham to remove the book.
Okay Boys enough, now be quiet he went back to law of gravitation.
Soham sat down, his body was still active, much against the law of gravity.

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