NY Giants flag

I don't know how to search within the threads here. (I don't think you can.)
Someone mentioned in one of the threads (probably here, but it may have been as a comment on someone's wall) about their place on Gunnison Beach being marked by a NY Giants flag / pennant. I noticed such a flag when I got there yesterday, was the first thing I noted. I couldn't remember who that was well enough to walk up and introduce myself. When I casually walked by I didn't recognize anyone either, so maybe it's not someone who is a part of this website, but I thought I would start this thread in case it was. Anyone know who that was? Are they on here. I will introduce myself next time, but I may have to revisit this thread since I doubt my memory will hold onto the information until next Spring.

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RE: NY Giants flag

We were right next to a NY Giants flag today.

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RE: NY Giants flag

I was there yesterday.

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