Season winding down...

It's hard to believe that it's already September and that our next visit to Gunnison could very well be our last visit of the season. It's been a wonderful summer for us, and we've made a whole bunch of great new friends. This is the first season we've been weekend regulars, and it's been such a joy to spend our days in the sun with all of you.
In previous years, we've headed out to Gunnison on random weekdays so as to avoid the weekend crowds. I admit it, I'm lazy and love to sleep in on the weekends, and the thought of getting up super-early on the weekend to drive out to the beach and get there before the parking lot filled up was not so appealing. But after the devastation Superstorm Sandy brought our way last year, we realized just how fortunate we are to have a place like Gunnison, and made it a point to get down there whenever possible this year. We can sleep during the offseason. :-)
Great big thanks to everyone who stopped by to listen to our music, who made requests, who sang along, who brought their instruments (or borrowed one of ours) and shared their songs with us. We've made some great memories that we'll cherish for years to come, and we're already counting the days until Memorial Day Weekend 2014.
If we didn't meet you during this season, or if you didn't stop by and say hello, there's always next year. Heck, we might be able to squeeze a few more good days out of this year... who knows?
And if you don't recognize us by our profile pic, here's a shot of us earlier this year, doing our thing at Gunnison.

Eva and Rodney (3twenty6)

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RE: Season winding down...

It was great meeting you two. Hope to be able to jam with you next season.
J & B

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RE: Season winding down...

Now that I know the lay of the land, I plan to come back as often as possible next year. I'm sure I can find some super-saver air fares. Now to find cheap lodging. I'm sure that won't be a problem either. I will let everyone here know a little more ahead of time for my next trips.

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RE: Season winding down...

Why do you always have to be so contrary? Can't I say something the least bit positive without your feeling the need to correct it? You don't know me. You don't know the connections I've made in the area. You've got to correct my head count. You've got to correct my answering that there weren't 3,000 - 5,000 after Labor Day as tho such were never said when it very well was. Just chill and quit being so damn negative!

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RE: Season winding down...

Wow! The lot was Closed?!?! I'm glad I went there on Tuesday, then. I also like going on the off season. I have been there on my birthday, Nov 30 and in January. Even on those cold days, I still got in the water, if only for a few seconds. ;)

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RE: Season winding down...

Awesome time at Gunnison Beach Wednesday, hanging out with several old friends and a few new ones as well. Lot G actually filled up and was closed! There were at least 1,000 people on the beach, on a Wednesday afternoon in September! Amazing!
Wednesday, I got there at 12:15 noon and found a place to park; however it was toward the far corner of the parking lot. Wednesday was beautiful, with cooling breeze from the ocean. Inland was in the nineties that day.

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RE: Season winding down...

This was my first season going to gunnison and I can't believe it took me so long to go. I loved it but didnt meet too many people . All that I spoke to were very nice but I know there are lasting friendships just waiting to be had. My wife was a little reserved when meeting others but I hope next year she will mingle a bit more. Anyway one it two days maybe left for this year . Count down to 2014

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RE: Season winding down...

Do you think we can get another day in today ?

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RE: Season winding down...

Anyone else planning on going next Sunday the 29th?

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