Rescheduled to Oct 5-6, AANR Rooster Rock/ Collins Nude beach cleanups.

Due to the potentially dangerous weather (thunderstorms)
on Saturday and heavy rain and wind on Sunday and cold temperatures expected on
both days (Sep 21-22), we are cancelling the beach clean-up and recommending
that volunteers either join with the National Public Lands Day clean-ups the
following weekend or join with us on October 5th and 6th
for the rescheduled clean-ups. We will not put any ones safety or health
in jeopardy in order to do the clean-ups. Contact
for further information on the clean-ups.

You may not realize it, but the reason why there is so little litter on the nude beaches adn they are kept prety clean is because teh AANR clubs periodically do cleanups of the beaches. Cleanups are nto all work, but are also social events to meet other nudists and there is usually a BBQ or potluck afterwards.
Below is information copied and pasted from an email sent my Mike Parker who is president of the Hidden Springs (nonlanded) Nudist Club here is Portland, and is also an officer of AANR-NW


AANR-NW has continued to
be beach adopters for the two legal nude beaches in Oregon as well as Rooster
Rock State Park. Coming this month are the final two clean-ups of 2013.

The first beach clean-up
will be on Saturday, October 5 at 9:00 a.m. at Rooster Rock State Park.
This is a clothing optional event, if you are
cleaning in the nude area. It is highly suggested that you wear shoes and sun
screen. Hats are also recommended if it is very bright. Bring work gloves
if you have them. All tools and clean-up bags will be furnished. We
will be working with the Rooster Rock park staff. The Park Ranger Supervisor
will have a list of projects that includes light to heavy work. Volunteers do
not have to pay the day use fee. Tell the person in the registration booth, if
it is manned, that you are there for the clean-up. When registering for the
clean-up, you will receive a card to put in your window. Meet at the
farthest east end of the parking lot near the restrooms above the
beach. The clean-up should not last longer than around three hours,
and will be followed by a hamburger/hot dog barbeque out on the beach where the
main trail comes through the vegetation. AANR-NW will provide table,
barbeque, plates, tableware, napkins, cold water, sugar free lemonade, burgers,
hot dogs and trimmings and some dessert snacks. We will have a
canopy if the weather is less than perfect. For your security, please do
not leave any items visible in your car. The only restrooms accessible
from the nude beach are located near the parking area.

Sunday, October 6 -
Sauvie Island-Collins Beach - clean-up at noon.
A parking pass is usually required and can be
purchased at the store or deli after crossing the bridge to the island but
SOLVE again is providing free day-of-event passes for those that volunteer.
Restrooms are portable toilets located in the parking area near the beach trail
openings. We will concentrate our efforts on the gravel road parking area and
litter sweeps of the beach area from nude beach opening one (number two marked
opening) to the opening marked number six. Meet on the beach near the second nude
beach opening (number 3 opening). A potluck will be held at around
2:00 p.m. Hidden Springs non-landed club is sponsoring this event and
will supply a barbeque, hamburgers, hot dogs and fixings, water, sugar
free lemonade, plates, tableware, napkins as well as a table and canopy.
Bring a folding chair/towel to sit on and dry off with as well as a
potluck item and your favorite beverage.

We need additional
volunteers at these events so that we can retain our beach sponsorship.
These legal nude beaches are unique to Oregon and we want to continue to keep
our beaches bare!!

Want to volunteer but need
more info? Contact
for directions, further details on these events and how to get a complimentary
Collins Beach parking pass e-mailed.

Mike Parker


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