Holkham Naturism OK again

For those who didn't know, the ban onnaturism on the beach has been lifted, still not allowed in the dunes but ok on the beach, if this good weather continues we might get some naked time there after all.
Stay Naked!!

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RE: Holkham Naturism OK again

Went up there on Monday, a glorious day and hadthe beach to myself almost,apart fromthe odd dog walker. Unless we get an Indian summer I think it was the last time forthis year,Roll on summer 2014!!
Stay Naked!!

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RE: Holkham Naturism OK again

Hi All
I had this come through today from BN, it maybe helpful to all who are planning to get back to enjoying Naturism at Holkham, even if it is just the beach area, that is fine with me!!
Hope we all enjoy a great summer at Holkham!!
Stay Bare
Hello All,
Since the last update on 28 October 2013 nothing much has happened, so I thought that it would be useful to advise you on the present situation.
Holkham Estates have not changed their policy to ban Naturism on their land; this is the land above mean high water and includes the dune area where the majority of the alleged inappropriate behaviour was taking place.
The Crown Estate have not advised us of any change in the situation since they confirmed that the ban on naturism on their foreshore at Holkham Beach imposed earlier had been lifted.
I have attached for your information a copy of the letter from the Crown Estate to British Naturism dated 25 September 2013, which gives this decision.
The effect is that Naturism may take place on the Crown Estate land, namely that part of the beach that lies below mean high water.
I are aware that Holkham Estate would prefer that Naturism ceased on the whole of the Holkham Beach and I expect that they will use their best endeavours to be as unhelpful as possible to Naturists using the area.
As you will be aware because of the topography the actual position of mean high water is open to a certain amount of interpretation viz. the sand on the beach is the same both above and below mean high water and there are no marker posts or similar to identify its position.
Having said that, can I request you only use the area below mean high water for Naturism, if you are challenged then establish whether you are on Holkham Estate Land or Crown Estate land with the challenger and then act appropriately i.e. if you are on Holkham Estate land then put some clothes on and move or if you are on Crown Estate land politely advise of the content of the attached letter.
If you become aware of any inappropriate, illegal, or unlawful behaviour that you take whatever action you would take if this occurred elsewhere.

I hope the above will be of assistance and that you enjoy your Naturism.

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RE: Holkham Naturism OK again

Hi All
Here is the latest update I justrecieved from BN...
On 6th May 2014 Malcolm Boura BN's Campaigns Director and I met with Natural Englands Senior Reserves Manager, Michael Rooney and Holkham Estates Conservation Manager, Sarah Henderson, we have now all agreed the wording for the signs for the traditionally naturist area of the beach.

The signed area will be much the same as before with Naturism on the beach but banned in the dunes.

The winter storms did severe damage to the dunes and the entire front row was washed away. Maram grass is starting to appear so given time it will recover but it is very fragile. It is important that we distance ourselves from any problems that there might be in the dunes.

For both those reasons please keep well away from the dunes and we suggest at least a hundred metres. Please do speak to anybody jeopardising the future of the beach by not acting responsibly but do not put yourself at risk. This is not the place to push boundaries.

Please come to the BN beach picnic day on Sunday 10th August to celebrate!
Looking forward to enjoying the freedom of that wonderful beach again, hope it's going to be a good summer?
Stay Bare ;0)

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