A way around the law. US

So I have been rolling something around in my head that I want to throw out there. First let me tell you all about me (Tim). Marine for 8 years. I think very logical and something that really tweaks me is when people use things the wrong way. For example, clothes are meant to protect you. From the sun, dangers at work an so on. At least that is how I see it.
Enough about me. So my idea about getting around the law is to create a religion, I do not know a whole lot about how to do it but I have googled it and found it may actually be pretty easy. Something as simple and worshipping the Christian god but believing that god wanted to us to be nude rather they eat from the tree of knowledge and cover our selves.If I understand my rights, and I may very well not. Would then freedom of religion give us the right to be nude anywhere?
Also just a side note, I think that nude protests about things other then nudist rights is offensive.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

I hate cats - I'm going to form a religion where everyone must kill a cat under freedom of religion.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

I also dislike cats, but not really what I was going for. The US is full of loop holes and crap, is this one or no?

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

Believe me, the world does not need anymore religions.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

What utter bullshit! The idea that christians are somehow "persecuted" in North America is ridiculous. But then, I'm sure that you are still convinced that Obama is a radical muslim. But I'm always delighted to see the stupidity and paranoia of the extreme right. It ensures that the majority of voters are convinced that they are nutbars.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

The best solution is to hide in your bunker and cease all communication with the outside world.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

Bullshit is bullshit. As far as "clean" goes, you probably haven't seen a bar of soap in ages. It's likely to contain a brainwashing ingredient that Obama planted. When you have republican congressmen and senators admitting to the fact that they are responsible for the shutdown, who should you believe. You seem to want to pervert the democratic process in the U.S. If you don't like a law that has been passed by congress and approved by the supreme court, then you counter with a new bill and see if you can get it passed. You don't whine like babies and create filibusters where they don't even make sense. Like the crap that you parrot from Fox News. Two of their recent stories about Obama have been completely debunked by Snopes.com. Clearly, you are as gullible as a fox "host".

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

So why do you have more moderate republicans admitting openly on CNN that their party is responsible for the shutdown? I guess that you only hear what you want to hear. From some really scurrilous sources. But my all means, keep it up! You and Ted Cruz will be ushering Hillary into the White House in 2016.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

And trust me, you can neither provide sunshine or wisdom. Just black clouds of inanity brought to you by Faux News. The republican party hasn't cared about you since you were a fetus.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

YAY! Soupie is back.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: A way around the law. US

Just stopping by to make sure that the idiocracy are still receiving their government disability and pension cheques. Sure enough, they're still biting the hand that feeds them.

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  • 11 years ago