a temporary closet nudist

hi all. I have been in the nudist lifestyle for a long time but right now I am a closet nudist because 1. there is no nudists living in Tri-Cities Washington USA. 2. My room mates won't approve of that type behavor in the house with a 4 year boy around. 3. the nearest nude beach is a 3 hour drive, the nearest nudist resort is a 6 and half hour drive for me. There is nothing around here for a bonafied nudist to do around here. No place to safely go skinny dipping around here


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Temp closet nudist

Know exactlly how you feel. Although my profile says I am from Colorado, which is true I am currently in Ankara turkey in an apartment. No place to go. One good thing for me anyways is I have only 3 more weeks and Im ottta here. Good luck mate

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RE: a temporary closet nudist

Hi all, dont know that I should be in this group noww. Whent to a local public heathland today, stipped naked an took a photo, have uploaded it to my piccie. Think I'll stay a bit longer. Was a little daring. as 3 textile pased me soon after I had got dressed.
Keep cool
Brian. (alexgd2)

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