RE: Earthquake PreparednessYour kit must depend where you live?
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Post #13rockhoundUndies OnlyFossil hunting naked in the sunshine always makes us smile! RE: Earthquake PreparednessWhat I was actually hoping for was personal ideas....what extravagance could you not live without?What luxury item would you insist was a "must have"?
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RE: Earthquake PreparednessAhhh, behold the almighty GOOGLE, answer to all, the universe, and everything.....
Answer a man's question for him and he will be wise for an instant.
Teach a man to Google and will be wise for life.
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Post #17ManOfWicklowUltra NudistA lie has speed, but truth has endurance. RE: Earthquake PreparednessBest advice is : DON'T live in a dangerous earthquake zone. Move to a safer place.
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RE: Earthquake PreparednessSorry but gravity will not let us leave.
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RE: Earthquake Preparednessbasics: water/water purifiers, food,some way to make fire, shelter,first adNotes: the people that don't have will talk your.
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RE: Earthquake PreparednessI live in the American Southwest desert region but I guess I should add fishing gear to my kit. If the BIG one hits California, we might be living on the ocean front.
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Post #21rockhoundUndies OnlyFossil hunting naked in the sunshine always makes us smile! RE: Earthquake PreparednessA fishing kit is a great idea, I like the idea of a supply of coffee and coffee make myself.Maybe dried fruit?
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