West Coast Meet ups

Just wondering how many living in the Western USA would be interested in attending a meet up. Possible meet up areas would be Shangri la, in the Phoenix area, Mira Vista, in the Tuscon area, or a nudist spot in Palm Springs. There are many other places to have meet ups, but for the purpose of this lets leave it to these 3 choices. Before even thinking of putting one together some basic information would be nice . Feed back would be a great help here.
How far would you be interested in traveling to attend a meet up? One hour, two hours? How many miles?
How much advance notice would you need to to travel how far? Example, I would travel 6 hours one way if i could plan it 6 months out.
Would you be interested in a Valentines day couples meet up?
Do you think there should be Couples meet ups as well as everyone meet ups? Not trying to be unfair to singles, but in the textile world couples do sometimes like to spend time with other couples.
Would you be willing to pay a deposit in advance to attend a meet up?
Input for everyone would be nice, perhaps if West Coast meet ups happen, and are successful , more can be planned and held thru out the USA and or Europe.

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RE: West Coast Meet ups

I would be willing to travel a fair amount if I needed to, but having a bit of time to plan would be good. A few months notice would be preferable, as to paying a deposit, I would not have a problem with that I suppose. Having a couples meet up thing is a good idea though at this current time I could not be a part of that, it is still a good idea for that kind of meeting.

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RE: West Coast Meet ups


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RE: West Coast Meet ups

I like the idea of having a meet-up. When you give too many choices, it makes it harder to settle anything. Just pick a place, date and time and say you're going to be there. If anyone else wants to join you, that's fine. If they can't make it, for what ever reason, that's too bad and maybe they can make it next time.
Just so you know; most Sundays at Shangri La works great for me.

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