RE: Great stuff

I will experiment with a lot of different varietals and roasts, always black and unflavored. Found a Starbucks called Breeza on sale at the airport recently and wish I had bought more--mellow but rich. But I am perfectly content with Folgers at work. Only complaint there is those pesky clothes. Ome thing I am sure of is that coffee tastes at least 15% better when I am nude.

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RE: Great stuff

For me it's Starbucks Kenya Roast (which I must self-import since there is no Starbucks in my country) freshly ground every day and prepared in French press ... savoured naked while enjoying the view across the Indian Ocean. Only after that am I ready to tackle what the day has in store for me ...

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RE: Great stuff

I drink Caf Du Monde brand coffee and chicory. I like it strong, black and with some sugar.

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RE: Great stuff

I like Chock Full o' Nuts, with milk and sugar.

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RE: Best Coffee

I''m a bit bias. I owned a coffee house for a few years and am still partially involved in the business. We don't roast our own, yet, but we do buy from a local roaster who is very persnickety about his roasting and our brewing of his coffee. You can't beat fresh roasted, fresh ground coffee. Not to mention being nude while drinking it in the morning.Don't know about the first part but the second part is definitely true. Best when served nude. I will say the coffee I had in Costa Rica was really good and blue mountain from Jamaica is good as Well.

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RE: Great stuff

My wife and I get the whole bean Whole Foods 365 organic Pacific Rim. Grind it fresh and enjoy. If it's early morning like now, we both sit in bed nude, read, and have our coffee.

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RE: Great stuff

Where we live now I drink Starbucks French Roast dark. I buythe beansin bulk.
A wonderful coffee back in Ontario is Maple Coffee though that is the local bran made in cottage country. The flavour I liked best was Bear. I brought a pound back with me the last time I ventured to North Bay, Ontario. It was a last sad cup when that pound ran out.
Another local BC coffee is also called Bear Claw I guess to emphasise the power of the drink. But it tastes very smooth and good. That one is roasted on Salt Spring Island.
I forgot...I usually like dark roasts. I cannot stand coffees from fast food places like MaDonalds andTim Hortons etc.. as they always taste so bitter. Give me smooth dark coffee any day.

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RE: Great stuff

I cannot stand coffees from fast food places like MaDonalds andTim Hortons etc.. as they always taste so bitter. Give me smooth dark coffee any day.

If anyone's serving you bitter coffee it is because they are probably trying to cut corners and think they are saving money. Over extraction is the cause of bitter coffee. If it's bitter, tell them to use the proper amount of coffee when they brew. Too little coffee meeting the brew water will suck out the flavor until all that's left is bitterness and it keeps sucking that out until the water stops. 1.75 to 2 oz of coffee per 60 oz of water is a good starting point for drip machines.

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RE: Great stuff

You are preaching to the choir. Tell McDonalds, Tim Horton's, A&Wetc.
The worst coffee is McDonald's. I keep forgetting and buy it when on the road. I take the first sip then remember why I don't buy it and usually through it out first chance I get.
Fast food placestend not to serve good coffee, often letting it sit in the pot too long.

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