Naked piano

Hello, I am looking to playing piano (4 hands) naked with other men, and possibly violinists, cellists as well. I'm a professional musician.
I live in central London. Please message me if you're interested!
Looking forward to making music together naked...Cheers

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RE: Naked piano

Sounds like a great idea, alas, I gave up playing my musical instrument; the cornet, back when I was 9.
Our nudist club has musicians in it and they have a band that plays on occasion, but it is a rock and roll from the 70's and 80's.
I would love to see a classical quartet or the like for nudists!
Best of luck!
Stay Naked!

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RE: Naked piano

Can't help with playing, but would love to see the show!

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RE: Naked piano

The OP has a headless photo and blank profile And gas not signed in since posting three weeks ago.

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