unexperienced at this

hey so i pretty much just love to be naked, but i've never been in situations where i can be naked with other people, so i dont know if i'm really about it. However, i'd like to find out. i'd like nudity to be a casual thing with others but i'll admit that because i havn't been around the culture its still a little sexual for me. How do i solve that and how to i find situations where people are nude together?

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RE: unexperienced at this

There are several nudist resorts within easy driving distance of LA. Google AANR.

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RE: unexperienced at this

I, of course, suggest you visit The Deer Park Nudist Resort, the friendliest nudist resort in California

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RE: unexperienced at this

Welcome to the Party
Please check out the site and if you have any questions let any of us know. We'll be happy to help.
Make sure you take the time and fill out an honest profile of you, for it will help you make friends in this and other sites.
Ensure you check out and join the TN Groups/Rooms/Forums, is a great way to meet people near you and with similar interests.
As always, keep it clean, tasteful and honest and you'll have a great time making/meeting new TN friends.
Also WWW.AANR.COM has the answers to just about every nudist question there is, so make sure you check it out as well.
Have a good day, stay nude and keep in touch. Xoxoxo . . . Hawk

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RE: unexperienced at this

I would also like to suggest that you arrange a visit to Glen Eden, assuming you're in the Los Angeles area. One good reason to do so is that your first visit is free; another reason is that you could look me up when you get here and I can help relieve your apprehension. But, it sounds like you have nothing to fear, if you enjoy being nude when you're alone you will also enjoy being nude among others with a similar bent.
If you see an old fart with a gorgeous golden retriever wandering about the grounds, that would be me and Emmiline. Come over and say hello.

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RE: unexperienced at this

There is another old joke about the first time nude for a male... It is only hard for the first minute!

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RE: unexperienced at this

Desert, that is such great and helpful advice. Thanks for posting it.

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RE: unexperienced at this

I'll leave the finding local nudist places part to people who know your area.
Social nudity is absolutely the best way to socialise, sure it might involve some first time nerves etc, but I think that anyone who really wants to give it a go won't find them to be an issue after a short time in the company of other nudists. For a first experience a nudist resort/club may well be the best bet, as on a warm day most people will be nude, a public beach or similar may well mean more of a mix of nudists and textiles. A resort might have a more casual atmosphere too, you're not naked in public so much, just amongst fellow nudists who completely get the idea of being naked with other people. Starting off somewhere that everyone is nude might also reduce any nervousness about being naked in front of others, many of whom will probably be strangers.
Generally I've found nudists to be amongst the friendliest people around, they'll also understand what its like to be naked with others. Nudists don't tend to judge others by appearance as much as how it is in the textile world either.
With luck you'll find social nudity to be to your liking and to be the best way to socialise, we're all naked so any labels associated with clothing are absent, we're ourselves. It should soon become totally 'normal' to be nude with others hopefully. You just get used to it and forget completely what those early nervous feelings were about, until someone else asks about the best ways to try social nudity for the first time.

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