wanna be like dad

Just a cute barefoot story.I raised my son a barefooter and a nudist.Where we Live the tar Mack gets very hot in the summer,and becomes rather soft.It was one of those days,the son and I went to town.I,cautioned him that the tar would be hot,and seeing that he did not have or posses any shoes..(his choice),he had to go barefoot.I suggested that I would piggy back him,but he insisted to walk .At one spot,he began sobbing.He said his feet were burning,even mine was,and I am always barefoot and used to walk barefoot in the hot desert.I sugested that I piggy back him... that just did it.He wiped away the fears and smiled bravely...."No thanks,I want my feet as hard as yours,and I have to walk ...I am not a shoe jocky!"well,he stuck it out,and walked on that seiring tar barefoot!

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