Responses to shoesers

I usually remove my shoes when, I leave work,and in town one gets many reactions which is odd,because we are a barefoot country...85% of primary schools are barefoot schools,and encourage the learners to be barefoot and attend school barefoot.Any way...I get the often monotonized remark..."where are your shoes...?Barefoot!?....Why are you barefoot and....did they mug you,where's your shoes?"I respond thus...."Is it important?If I tell will it change and impact or improve your life?Does it matter?..."What remarks do you get and what r your responses?

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RE: Responses to shoesers

I usually get asked it if I go down to our lobby without my shoes. You always have that one person asking where are shoes are. I just say I am not wearing them at the moment, or they are up in my room

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