Warm December days

Ahhhh a hint of spring was in the air in mid December. I got to enjoy the warm weather and finish putting the garden to sleep till spring really gets here. These days are just evil teases!!! Merry Christmas to all my naked gardening friends, and a very merry nude year to all.

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RE: Warm December days

Would you believe low 80s yesterday in the Midlands of South Carolina?! Makes one want to plant. I will be creating a new flower bed if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

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RE: Warm December days

The weather so far this year has been strange to say the least. I think we are being set up for the big rubber mallet to the head. Whawhawha lol

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RE: Warm December days

Lucky you! It's too cold here to be naked outside - except for a quick dash to the shed.

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RE: Warm December days

65f and balmy yesterday , today wet and cold - crazy !

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RE: Warm December days

Yeah the weather has gone crazy! 73 yesterday rainy and 60's today and cold back to 30's by Wednesday .strange to say the least, so I will enjoy the days as they come .

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RE: Warm December days

Lucky you! It's too cold here to be naked outside - except for a quick dash to the shed.Warmer today 6c (that's 40f) but still not comfortable outside. I just packed the car naked ready to go off for Christmas.

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RE: Warm December days

You guys are all making me jealous - it was -19 (F) here this morning!

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