Nude picnic

Hi all..... we are going to organize a Nude picnic at Durgapur on 1st January, 2014... Interested people may join.....

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RE: Nude picnic

very good news. unfortunately i'll be fully engaged with other programs on that can't join :( hope it'll be a grt success...plz share stories and pics :)

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RE: Nude picnic

I am willing to join. let me know the details. where it will be held?

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RE: Nude picnic

Keman halo picnic? Shonar janya sagrahe apekkha karchhi.

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RE: Nude picnic

Bhalochhele, khabar janao.

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RE: Nude picnic

ekta hok...weekend dekhe...or 23rd Jan/24th Kolkata...will try

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RE: Nude picnic

lok jogar ta prob hobey na...venue fix kora ta is difficult.

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RE: Nude picnic

Bah, hok, hok! Jayga?

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