self inflated life vest

who has a self inflated vest , whats your opinion on them ?

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RE: self inflated life vest

thinking of getting one they seem lighter and hopefully more comfortable especially when nude.

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RE: self inflated life vest

These come in two kinds. Auto inflate and manual inflate. Booth operate with CO2 cartridge. But I think with canoeing and kayaking there is too much chance of an in appropriate inflation with the auto type. And the cartidges are not cheap. Uless you hit your head and are unconcious, I think I can pull the cord and inflate mine. Unless doing white water stuff I go for naked or at least the manual inflating type.

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RE: self inflated life vest

good point lilstones i've seen both kind and yes that would be the pits rolling at the dock or shallow water and self inflator going off. went looking other day but still haven't made up my mind but i think i will cross self inflate ones off list, they are a little more expensive than the manual ones.

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