Happy Nude Year!

As I sit here next to the woodstove, it's -18 (F) outside and I'm planning this years' garden. I always start by reviewing my successes and failures from last year. My greatest success was a new raspberry crop that I planted in the spring. They were the new 'primocane' varieties and I was very impressed. They bear on the first year canes in the fall, and I had loads of big, delicious raspberries from about September 1st through the middle of October. This year I should get a July crop as well.
My biggest failure was the brussells sprouts - the plants did well, but the sprouts never did mature. I did buy a different variety than normal so that may have been my problem.
So who wants to share their results from last year and plans for this one?

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RE: Happy Nude Year!

January is my time for dreaming about the upcoming warm weather gardening season. Last winter was a warm one in our part of the country but a late freeze in the Springwiped out my early tomato and pepper crop. Ilost a lot of what would have been a very early tomato harvest. Not getting those plants covered was onlymy 2nd biggest failure. Mybiggest flop was not getting more food growing. My 2nd planting of tomatos went well way into the Fall and I wound up with a really strong pepper crop past the 1st freeze. My winter greens have been fantastic. Gonna go crazy in the garden this year. Can't wait!

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RE: Happy Nude Year!

Well the spring seed catalogs are starting to show up in the mail even as the snow on the ground is melting. My mind quickly wonders to what will be for the year in my garden. I am thinking of more herbs and medicinal plants along with the stand by food crops. This year I think that I will also try my hand at growing hops as an added fun addition .I have ordered my row cover clothe to help my squash fend off the voracious assault of the stink bugs, and my hope is that by covering them the stink bugs will find other residence. But until the ground warms these plans will help to occupy my cold days. Stay warm my gardening friends and may spring shine it's welcome smile sooner than later.

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