Army Fitness Ready for Summer
Firstly, do a program of what you are eating, sleeping, and what foods you have eaten all the time.Then, save 15mins a day to start you off getting the body in to motion for awareness of training.start with using either a chair or end of the bed to get your arms moving and tummy as well. work with doing press ups on the chair and breathing slowly, up and down, now make sure you drink some water first and make sure not eaten lots of food. ensure with the first week, make a bit smaller on the meal to adjust and DONT SNACK..From the bed lye on your back and do a pedal motion and do this in the morning and night peddling 20 times and rest and increase each day another set say by the four day two sets of 20 peddling.. you will notice a difference on the tummy and arms, then we can work up a bit but always be aware on your intake of what types of food and snacks. if shift work is happening work to the plan for when you are about to shower then sleep and in the morning. be positive and strong at the beginning.any age can do this and we can move on better if you want, email if you have other questions: Have a great all and do your best and you will see changes...Harrypotter