Hidden Springs seeking new location fot swins

It was a bit of a shock when the hidden Spring sNudist Club srrived at the pool they reserved for one of their winter nude swim events to find a sing on the door saying that the pool was permanently closed. Nobody bothered to inform the Hidden Springs Nudist Club who had reserved the pool almost three months previously. Some people came drive 90 minutes or more to come to the the swim and it was a real big disappointment for everyone.
So, the hidden Springs Nudist Club is now looking for a new location for their winter swims. The facility should ideally not just have a pool, but also a jacuzzi. The people needs to be indoor and heated, and the facility needs to allow for privacy.
If anyone knows of such a facility in the greater Portland/Vancouver or surrounding areas please email your suggestion to eventsinfo@HiddenSpringsNudist.org
Thank you

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