
I know that this groups main theme isfull nudity, but I was wondering: have you ever been through that sort of experience when you think that looking at a body that is almost totally naked, but not entirely, is even more enticing ? I mean, sometimes when we look at someone whose body we find extremely interesting, we start to fantasize about it, especially when we cant see every single bit of it, so my question is: does not being totally nude makes the full nudity experience even more interesting ?

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RE: Curiosity

I'm fine with either situations where all others are also fully nude, or its clothing optional, I'll be nude if I can be. But if I had to choose one or the other, full nudity wins hands down. I'm always far happier completely nude and its great to be with others who are as naked as me, socialising always seems better when everyone is a nudist. I like seeing and being with nude people, it doesn't matter what their age, gender, sexuality etc is, the human body endlessly fascinates with it variety.
As a nudist I know we'll be looked at when naked with others, if I can enjoy seeing other nudists at the same time, that's great, I wish we could all be nude in far more situations than generally possible and enjoy each others nudity more often.

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RE: Curiosity

I understand and agree with your point of view, Nik, but I think that sometimes, when we were among other who are not totally nude, it sort of catches our attention and entices our curiosity, just imagining how he or she looks totally naked, may actually makes us crave nude gatherings even more, I think :)

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RE: Curiosity

Yes imagination is good but actually seeing the nude body is so much better. One woman donned sexy clothing to turn me on but I preferred her naked, both aesthetically and sexually.

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RE: Curiosity

Leo, I couldnt have said it better myself, I mean, Im usually the one who starts imagining, whenever Im around people who happen to be barely dressed, how they would look like without their clothes (which doesnt happy very often ). I think the only time I sort of had the impression that someone was "checking me out" was when I was this bus stop in Lisbon, on a very hot day, and I was wearing a pair of shorts, a polo and some sneakers - so as you can imagine, I was pretty much covered - but I realized that this man was sort of checking me out ... or at least that was what I thought, since he kept biting his lower lip and looking quite ... passionately, but oh well, Im extrapolating here. Thank you all for your contributions so far, seriously, sharing may sometimes mean learning, and Reading what you guys write, I cant help but learning more about nudism :)

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RE: Curiosity

....By contrast, nudist society accepts us in our wholeness, none of us need to put on false fronts for anyone. We also reject uncomfortable sweaty attire when it's unnecessary,able to relax and be completely open with others. There is a wonderful comraderie that exists among nudists worldwide, if only the textile worrld were more accepting! . .Well put Lucas. That's why I prefer socialising with other nudists, it doesn't matter what anyone looks like, nudists are generally far more accepting of others than how it often is in the textile world. Body image is an issue that lots of people have problems contending with, mainly due to the idealised bodies shown in the media and fashion industries. There isn't much money to be made by them out of those of us who prefer nudity, irrespective of how we look, we buy limited amounts of clothing and don't fall for 'this year's must have fashion items.' Our 'fashion' is straightforward, 100% naked, we're free of any restrictions clothing places on us and its the most relaxing way to be and its a 'fashion' I intend to stick to as much as possible, I'd love to be a full time nudist in an warm environment with other like minded people.
As nakedblonde puts it, "it's how nature intended us to be."

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RE: Curiosity

Not to mention, Lucas, that once others see how comfortable we feel in some very revealing outfits, they can actually not only imagine how we look like naked, but it can also encourage them to grow fond of nudism as well, while at first they may see it as risqu, once they have given that small step inside their heads ... everything evolves from there :)

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RE: Curiosity

You and Olly take the pictures, Lucas, seriously, Im not saying that anybody else doesnt take great pictures, but you and Olly never fail to surprise us, clothed or naked, shot from various angles and in diferente locations, I cant help but thinking that you enjoy the naked experience to the fullest. Since I have only posted one pic as an exemple of the topic that is being adressed, heres another one:

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RE: Curiosity

And I have to thank you and all the other ones who post pictures in these groups, Lucas, for allowing me and all those who cant see all your pics, to see and enjoy them as well :) Heres another pic I took recently, the final result wasnt the one I had hoped for, sounds strange since I was the one who took it, especially because it kind of looks like Im striking a pose, but ... Ill let you guys be the judge of that :)

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RE: Curiosity

'You're so right, Nuno, having others see our comfort level with nudity is a great way to introduce them to the simple joys of nude living....'I think that's right Lucas, if those of us who are comfortable with sharing our fully nude photos for anyone to see, do so, it is a good way to show what is so good about living naked. It also shows that there is nothing to be ashamed about being nude in public and that its the most natural way for us to be. Hopefully others will join us fully nude here.I've finally managed to post some of mine to this group, I don't know what the glitch was that prevented me from doing so before, but it seems to have gone now.

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RE: Curiosity

A couple of partially naked pictures of myself which emphasise the points made above.

and a couple of exceptional ones

Becarefulhow you sit !

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