St. Patrick's Day Parade; Etc.
There has recently been a lot of news coverage around the issue of gays and lesbians marching in the St. Patrick's Day (and other) Parades. This has been going on for so long that it is now a given that they will be expected to participate. Regardless of what one may feel about the gay and lesbian issue, we have to applaud these people for their tenacity and fortitude in promoting their cause.
Isn't it time for us nudists to do something similar? No I'm not saying that we have to march down the street nude, (March is usually too cold for that any way) but a group of people carrying signs and banners declaring that we are nudists, would raise our public profile. We could show contact numbers and web addresses so others who may be interested may contact us. We could even encourage parade viewers to join in and march with us.
One thing I am encouraging is to do things properly. Organizers in each city will need to apply for the proper permits to march. If permits are denied then we may have to seekredress through the courts. At this timeI amalso not recommendingcivil disobedience where an unauthorizedgroup jumps into the parade route.
Besides St. Patrick's Day Parade there are Christmas parades, New Year's Day parades, Veteran's Day parades, Labor Day parades, 4th of July parades, bowl game parades, M. L. K. Day parades and yes even gay rights parades. We could make a showing at any of these to raise public awareness of nudist causes.
This is something that I believe all nudist organizations would be willing to support.
I started this thread but no one responded and I was wondering why. Is no one really interested in promoting the nudist cause by raising our profile? Does this just take too much effort or is this just a dumb idea? Do you feel that it's a bad idea to try to raise the public's awareness of nudism?
Please respond to let everyone know how you feel about this and promoting nudism in general. Thank you, DesertRat.
Look at all members on this site and every other nudist site.Almost everyone is hiding behind a fake name.Do you really believe they will carry a sign in public in front of TV cameras admitting they are nudists?
Good point. However I believe that there are many who would have no problem in admitting publicly that they are nudists. This small minority might be the vangaurd to opening nudism up for more people to enjoy.
While I think this is a great idea I don't feel that sufficient numbers of nudists in any particular area would participate except possibly in places where a large number of nudists exist. Also, except for those who would normally march in the parade anyway how many would do so solely in order to promote nudism? In any parade there are a greater number of observers than there are participants.
I think it is a good idea to represent ourselves in a parade...I however couldn't participate as I work on weekends and everyone in the world does their celebrating on those days. But otherwise lets have pride in our selves!!!!!