hello :)

Hello Everyone,
I'm new to this site and new to nudism/naturalism. As a kid I did dance and pageants and you tend to change a lot in a short amount of time with 100 other kids in the room. In school I was always the first one out and ready for PE because I was perfectly fine changing in the locker room while everyone else was waiting in lines for the bathroom stalls. I was never shy in the bareing it all. I love running around the house naked, but I still live at home with my mom and brother. My mother doesn't really care except when my brother sees me. So clothes I must, *sigh*
I've never really thought of myself as a nudist or thought of doing anything outside of being naked around the house until this guy started working at my job and broached the subject of nudism with me and a few others. He's invited me to a few social things, but I've been hesitant. The first time I've hung out nude was with him to watch a movie and it was cool. So now I'm curious to know more and here I am...

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