Why was i kicked out by Natt Bratt?

I generally don't allow people without CAMS on to view my CAM. That's an offense around here?
Hey Natt, why did you remove my access?

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RE: Why was i kicked out by Natt Bratt?

Hello Louisk9,I did not removethe username , Louisk9 , from the chat room this morning. Thanks,Nat

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RE: Why was i kicked out by Natt Bratt?

Well, I changed it since I no longer was able to log on with loumwnyc...and like loumwnyc, I'm blocked ...why was i kicked out as loumwnyc in the first place

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RE: Why was i kicked out by Natt Bratt?

yes, now i know. I'd still like to know why i was kicked out. No one has extended me the courtesy of a response.

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RE: Why was i kicked out by Natt Bratt?

Instead of assuming I broke the rules, perhaps they should tell me what rules I broke. I wasn't having sex on CAM, i just ignored users WITHOUT CAMS. That's breaking the rules? Please don't assume things about me. That's not particularly helpful nor polite.

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