Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have...

69 in the name? Just seems like it's trolling for sex and not just here to talk about being a nudist. Just puzzled, I guess.

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RE: Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have...

Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have..Made up names, or "Handles" as truckers call them. Is everyone afraid to use their real name?

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RE: Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have...

I'm chicken, Thomas! I still teach school in a small town, lol! :)

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RE: Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have...

One of the very few good things about getting old. Just Don't GAS what people think.

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RE: Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have...

69 in the name? Just seems like it's trolling for sex and not just here to talk about being a nudist. Just puzzled, I guess.Gator1Sometimes people use their birth year as part of their screen names, sometimes it has different meanings. It could be a sexual position preference. Don't let it bother you and it won't!

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RE: Does it bother anyone but me that so many profiles have...

It's about three times commoner to use 69 in a profile name as to use 67 or 68 or 70. So there's a better-than-even chance that a profile with a 69 in it is appealing to the cultural significance of the number. But still, there's a very good chance that it's not, so in any particular case, not to worry.

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