Nudity and the music industry

After watching the video for Nicki Minajs single "High School" I find myself wondering if we can sort of start complaining about the excess of skin in music vdeos. Not trying to be prude or even judgemental, but am I the only one who thinks that perhaps, when nudity is done for the sole purpose of attracting viewers, thus becoming extremely gratuitous, is boring ? I mean, it was fun in the beginning, since it felt like the forbidden fruit, I even remember when Madonna released the video for her Justify My Love single, that barely shows any naked bodies, but still was only allowed to be aired after midnight, and now we have Miley, Minaj and others, showing pretty much everything at 10:00 am, which does show that we have come a long way since 1991, but isnt it time we find new, more interesting ways of showing naked/half naked bodies in music videos ? One of my favorite singers/songwriters, Erykah Badu, released a music video back in 2010 for her Window Seat single and it caused quite a stir, but the music itself was still the most importante thing, sad we cant say the same about this current wave of artists :/

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